Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More bad news...

sorry for not posting for so long! I have felt like we've all been run thru the ringer. That last time I posted about Katherine getting ousted from choir, well, now we've all been ousted from piano as well. Blessings in disguise though. We've had a leak, which now is requiring extensive work (and money) to fix. Thankfully no obligations, except tutoring, scouts and ballet (all of which have been prepaid) keep us from driving and paying for stuff. Grocery bill up, dining out bill down.
The piano thing was an ordeal that I am glad to be on the other side of. The kids do seem to be suffering, still, but they will get over it. I may look into trying to get someone to come to the house so we don't have to drive. I'm waiting until later though, for now they are all each other's teachers.
Megan still can't seem to get it through her head that homework is something important that needs to be written down and followed thru with AND packed into the backpack and taken to school! Paul talks of bringing her home next year, but I fail to see where that would help her. This is something she will have to accomplish and soon! Homeschooling her will not help her with these endeavors and they are things that she has to know to do for the rest of her life. I knew none of the kids but Katherine were ready for school, but Paul had to insist they attend and now it seems a waste to pull her out, when otherwise she is doing well with the adjustment.
On another note, Kimberly seems to be showing signs of being ready to potty train. Asking for her diaper to be changed all the time and wanting to sit on the potty, doing nothing, but still sitting. I know she has to go, but she holds it until she has that diaper back on and then she finally goes. Maybe when the weather gets warmer and we can all go out in the back and let her wander around naked. That is how all the others did it!
Paul got a lawn mower last weekend. It is old and beat up, but perfect for our weeds! It needs a new battery, so that will be the next purchase. Hopefully it was worth the drive and money to get it.
Well, I need to get breakfast going and get the kids up pretty soon! Have a blessed day!

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