Tuesday, February 26, 2008


About this time of year, it seems that drudgery kicks in. We can see the end of the books are near, but everything is "just so hard!" Lauren has picked up a bronchial thing and is coughing constantly and Rebecca is just downright moody! This is how my morning has gone...
mom...What does everyone want for breakfast?
Lauren...eggs and toast (while playing piano in her pj's...which begins the fight...)
Rebecca...Lauren, I told you to stop playing my song. You're only supposed to play your own music!
Kimberly...ma,ma! HAVE sear-e-o (then because I go into the living room to break up the fight, Kimberly pulls a bar stool over to the fridge, opens the door and is climbing into the fridge to get some yogurt, which she calls "ur-ur-t")
Mom, pulls kimberly out of fridge, tells Lauren & Becca to get dressed and then asks again what everyone wants as she is opening the ururt, getting a spoon and trying to get those locks out of her food...
Rebecca...mom! I can't find socks! Why is it so cold in here! Lauren, I told you to stay off my side of the room! Don't put your clothes there! This isn't mine, why is it in my drawer! I'm not cleaning up after Lauren! I don't like sharing a room with Lauren! Why do you make me share a room with her! Yell arbitrary sounds sounding much like prehistoric man, slams door as she announces she isn't eating breakfast!
Mom turns to Lauren (who is half naked running to the laundry room to find clothes)(I don't put their clothes away for them, they are neatly stacked in piles on their respective shelves for them to put away, Lauren didn't do hers yesterday, so it is full), Lauren, I'm sorry what did you say you wanted to eat?
Lauren (now dressed) ...Toast, we haven't had toast in a long time!
Mom... how about some eggs?
with cheese?
Lauren...do I have to?
Mom...yes, you need protein!
Lauren... well, okay, then proceeds to begin a yogurt and an apple for herself.
Mom...Lauren, I thought you wanted eggs and toast?
lauren...I do, but my stomach is hungry right now so I am starting with this...
mom...rolls her eyes and attempts to find a clean pan to make eggs in, clean up ururt from the carpet, wipe down a baby face, put clothes in the dryer, empty part of the dishwasher and then talk to Becca about why she is cranky (sleepovers two nights in a row).......This was all before 9 this morning!
NOW, it is mommy quiet time and two kids are asleep...Kimberly and Becca. Lauren is downstairs writing her expository paragraph and I am taking some time to catch up on "stuff".
I managed to get down to the Parks dept and get Stephen signed up for baseball! He is so excited!
Well, I'd better go check on Lauren. We blew off going to the Y today as it is very windy and cold and I just couldn't imagine going out wet after swimming!

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