Wednesday, December 5, 2007

'Tis the Season

The kids schools are all busy with holiday activity. I don't think the south has gotten the info that religion in schools is a no, no! I love it!
Megan's Band Christmas concert on Monday, her Christmas music concert tonight and her class's rendition of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" sometime next week are wonderful reminders of the magic of Christmas. Katherine has a Christmas concert on Thursday night and Stephen had "Santa's workshop" yesterday to shop for his family and friends. He also had a Christmas concert scheduled for next Monday, but he really didn't want to miss Scouts again. He is loving being a part of this large dynamic group and was very disappointed when we made him attend Megan's concert instead of going to scouts. Megan of course loved all the fuss over HER!
Katherine had her first "boy asking her out" last week. As she is telling me about it all, I felt so sorry for the boy...she has no qualms about telling people exactly how she feels about something. I told her she had to realize that he probably has been wanting to ask her out for a long time, but was too shy (he actually had someone ask her for him) and didn't know how to approach her. I know she has strong beliefs about dating (she wants to wait for courtship) but she just was so blunt that I am afraid it really hurt his feelings. I need to check with her to make sure this issue got smoothed out. He was the cousin of one of the girls she eats lunch with. Apparently he has been admiring her from afar; doesn't have a class with her and otherwise didn't know her : )
Yesterday, we got a phone call from the principal at Stephen's school. According to her, he told a child to go to hell, although I could hear Stephen in the background protest that wasn't what he said. Upon further discussion we realized he told a student he was "going to go to hell." When we talked to Stephen after he came home, he explained that this other student was telling tall tales and wouldn't stop lying. I guess he has my button for lies and blew up at this student. Paul was very good about talking to him about how to deflect tall tales and make another person look foolish. Sometimes he is so very good at connecting with Stephen. My attempts seemed to just upset him more, so I am glad Paul was home in the afternoon to handle this! Paul did get called in to fly at 3am this morning. He isn't as busy as he has been in the past few years, so it is nice that he is home more.
Well, I promised Becca that we would get up early and get schoolwork started so we can make some Christmas cookies this afternoon...better scoot!
Many blessings to you and yours!

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