Sunday, December 2, 2007

Skating Party

The day started out harmless enough yesterday. As the domestic help was sick and unable to make it on Friday, the family had to scrub the house down. The kids rebelled (as usual) and at one point begged me "to divorce daddy because he was so mean!" I informed them that I don't think God would consider divorce valid because Daddy insisted the kids rooms be cleaned and vacuumed! The drama queen, Megan, thought the world would end...until...
Stephen announced he was done with cleaning his room, the den, emptying the dishwasher, taking out the trash and vacuuming two rooms. He was ready to go to his skating party!
"WHAT SKATING PARTY????" was the buzz around the house. I told everyone that if they finished they could choose to go to the Boy scouts skating party OR the Christmas Parade in Olde Towne.
The house was a-buzz with noise and flurry as the rest of the kids ran about getting the living room, dining room, classroom, kitchen and their bedrooms all cleaned, so they too could announce they could go skating. I think after three hours of complaining the final flurry only took them 15 minutes! Why couldn't they have done that the first time?!?!?!
The skating party was a lot of fun, despite the bumps and bruises. All but Kimberly got to skate and three kids even won a skating game of sharks and got free cokes for it (oh, great!).
They had some climbing tubes and Kimberly and Lauren had a lot of fun playing in those. Lauren had to take a break from skating every now and then to save her poor tooshie from extensive damage!
We came home and had a big pot of beef barley soup, rolls and salad...of course all but Stephen finished theirs and had seconds. I just love finishing up my large meals with soups. Now that I've learned how to make them it really stretches the groceries.
Rebecca spent the night with her friend Stevie Layne. The girls get along very well and I am glad to see Becca making friends. It isn't easy for someone as initially shy as she is. My hopes for her cousin to be around more so they could have a great friendship has not panned out, so I am glad there are others in the neighborhood who have filled that void. I think just about everyone in the family has managed to find really good friends in the neighborhood, most of them even on our street. It is such a breath of fresh air to be living someplace that isn't clickish and everyone just accepts everyone for who they are! Shreveport was so bad about that. We lived there ten years and only had a few friends that really were there for us, and not all the kids had good friends. Two did and it was a painful move for them (still is), but they are slowly adjusting.
Well, it is Sunday now and I hear rain hitting the sunroof; looks cold and rainy out. Better go fix a big batch of oatmeal to warm my troops up!
Have a blessed day!

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