Monday, November 12, 2007


Our lives are so busy and full that I got an idea to have a blogspot so that all our family and friends who live MILES from us can keep up with our lives! I've found that too often I forget to tell someone something that I really wanted to share. You know, those funny child moments that have us doubled over in tears! We want to share those as well! As soon as I get the hang of this I can post pictures too, so keep us bookmarked!

Okay, funny Stephen moment.
Stephen came home from school a few weeks ago telling us he can't wait for Christmas. When we asked why, he said, "Because Christmas is the only time of the year when we can say "ho" in school and it not be a bad word!"

Kimberly's birthday was Saturday. I can't believe our baby is 2. Since then she has been demanding CAKE from the minute she wakes up until we shut off the light at night. When she learns a new word she does so with gusto!
Have a very blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kris,
    This blog was a great idea! When you get some time (ha ha), could you please type out "The Story of the Peanut Butter Dog"? Some things need to be handed down to posterity.


Family Picture 2008

Family Picture 2008