Sunday, September 12, 2010

September brings change....

Well, today I am feeling a bit "writerish" so I figured I'd do a monthly update...stop laughing, I really am! We'll see how long this lasts before I am interupted by a small child getting into something they shouldn't. I can't put in pics because my "thingy" stopped working and the laptop is on its way to Omaha with Paul (which is how I usually get the pics in the computer).
Veronica reminds me a lot of Katie when she was this age. Into everything and climbing! We go to Church and she is trying to wriggle out of arms and over pews; balancing on the sides and backs of chairs in the cry room. Climbing onto the dining room table, back of the couch, piano and even onto kitchen counters. Difference being, she doesn't necessarily WANT something, but does it just to do it. The sense of accomplishment is written all over her face! Due to this fact, last night I poured over toddler climbing/sliding/playsets and finally decided on one that I think would be just the thing..should be here by the end of the month. I've given up on Paul ever building the big kids the outdoor playset they've been begging for ever since we moved here three years ago...maybe Christmas will bring them a substitute...still contemplating my rebellion.
Kimberly, ah, Kimberly...Paul and I decided that if her personality could have been infused in all the kids, we would have 15 by now! She is the most easy going, obedient, loving child in the house. Easily corrected and easily disciplined...she makes my life so much happier (most of the time). She is learning to write and is working on phonics. She already knows colors, basic shapes and can identify value and write her name...she's been a willing and eager student.
Lauren. Lauren celebrated her birthday the end of August. The big 9 year old is just as distractible, if not more, than Megan. She also is an eager student, but half the time can't remember WHAT she is doing from one moment to the next. I had her a stack of clothes to put away and 10 minutes later I go up to find out where she went. Clothes will have dropped from the pile until the pile is gone, 2 ft from her room and she will be laying in her room reading a book or playing Littlest Pet Shops with Kimberly...totally forgetting about the clean clothes that were to have made it to the dresser drawers. Even her friend's main complaint is that all Lauren likes to do is play piano and read...really? I have no problem with that aspect of her personality!
Stephen has hit a speedbump in life. He is now a sloven, lazy mess. He used to be the neatest child. Always, always had a clean room...not anymore! I think if he has his way, he'd have one outfit AND THAT IS IT! Cuts down on laundry thought, right? He rushes through his schoolwork to get it done for the week, then sits back and reads...drives me batty! When I try to come up with more work for him, he totally rebels and says that he doesn't have to do it. (I mean this boy will be in hysterics just trying to avoid doing anything more than what is necessary). He is already my height and his feet appear bigger than mine...and he's only 11...can't wait to see what the next year brings!
Rebecca has become a social outcast. She remind me a lot of Audrey Hepburn...artsy, quiet, shy. She prefers to isolate herself from everyone else...except occasionally coming out of her shell (when forced) to engage in social activities or pal around with her friends or sisters. She is excellent with young children and will make an excellent babysitter!
Megan turned 15 in June and is finally starting to learn some skills to overcome her ADD from a clinical psychologist. I kinda lost all hope for that child and we sought out help in order to deal with some issues (gorey details aside, I'll just leave it at that). Every family has their struggles, some are transparent and out there in the open for everyone to "see," others' struggles are hidden, behind closed doors and you never know about them, until something happens to throw the door open to the public....I learned that years ago. Some of us live our lives looking up to families we see as "perfect" and "wish we could have kids like that," and I've learned that things aren't always what they appear and I pray daily for friends and families and their own personal daily struggles.
Anyway, back to kids, Katherine turned 17...I still can't believe it! 17! She passed her drivers test in July and Paul and I are wondering how we made it until now! It has been such a help to us! She can drive and go out on a shopping errand, drive kids to school, allergy shots, etc. A week before school started, she also decided to home school her senior year. The public high school was messing with her schedule and we tried since May to meet with her counselor to try to get an appropriate schedule set up...they never returned our calls at first, then wouldn't meet with us, then Katherine finally got them on the phone and they said to wait until classes start! Ugh! It was so frustrating because at the time we were trying to get her into the local community college and needed to set up her schedule so we could schedule her college classes. Paul finally just let slip, "why doesn't she just homeschool?" Kat heard that and did her research to figure out if it would mess her up or not and approached us...a week before school was to start, she approached us with her "proposal" and well, we consented.
The oldest five are attending a la carte classes from Lighthouse. Kat is getting Physics, Trig/Pre-Calculus, Macro/Microeconomics and her 4th year of English & Lit. Her classes are TOUGH, so we decided against the college coursework for now. She is about 90% sure she wants to attend Benedictine next fall, but Paul and I are making her look at a few other colleges, just in case. The others are taking a variety of courses like science, writing/grammar and Megan and Stephen are both in Destination Imagination, which may bankrupt us in the end,but is inspiring them to "turn their brains on!"
Okay, the kids received a VHS player from grandma on her last visit...followed by a bunch of videos and the kids have rediscovered our videos that have been packed up and "Veggie Tales" is distracting me, so the words are not coming as freely as before. Have a blessed day!!!

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