Monday, December 15, 2008


Well, the Christmas tree is lights or decorations, but it is up! I unpacked my grandmother's nativity set that my mother shipped to me last summer and the kids were just amazed that something that old was "still around?!?!!" My mother came across it cleaning out her mother's house.
I had gotten ahold of a crayon when I was probably about four or five and wrote "Krissy" across the top of the box. My mom believed it to be truly prophetic and so mailed it to me. I am also the only "religious" person in my family, who has her own it just seemed to make sense. I've been just sitting and looking at it every morning reminiscing upon past Christmas's. Bicycles, stereos, great-grandma's knitted slippers, big Christmas eve dinners, etc. swirl thru my mind. I still can't believe I will be forty next August. Before ya know it I'll be dead and the kids will be all grown with families of their own! Life goes on...
Okay, that was depressing as hell...Saturday, Kimberly decided to empty a box of that packing popcorn (that I had asked one of the kids to put in the attic...she didn't) and the kids decided to have a "snowball" fight in it...they were not happy when mom and dad found them and made them all stay up to clean it up. Paul was heading up to send them to bed when the deed was discovered. The entire upstairs AND stairs was coated. I came in with the hair spray and it soon became much easier to clean it all up. They did finally get to bed close to 10pm. I hope it was worth it!

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