Monday, July 28, 2008

The heat is ON!

So what do you do when the temp is over 100 and you live in the south?
I tried to go out and do some gardening the other day....20 minutes later I was exhausted and sweat was pouring into my was 8:30 in the morning! Needless to say, we aren't getting much done outside and the inside is lookin' pretty ratty since everyone is so shack wacky from so much time indoors (and you just can't push the temp down on the thermometer or the bill goes thru the roof).
Last Saturday, we attended the annual ice cream social with the Blessed Sacrament homeschool group. Of course we've only been here one year, so for us it is a new "tradition." The kids pigged out on mostly whipped cream :-) but also enjoyed swimming at the host's home with LOADS of other kids. I love the connection that all these parents and kids share, it is a wonderful thing to behold...not something you see in your typical Walmart excursion. Kimberly braved the rocky waters not once, but about five times and then decided she wanted to go down the slide...the very steep, high slide. Mommy thought better of this and pulled her off the slide three or four times before someone slipped past her knocking her off the last three rungs...landing head first onto concrete. Do you think that stopped her....NO. That child screamed for ten minutes and then was right back trying to get up the rungs. It probably wouldn't be so bad if she just went down, but she kept climbing up, only to look down, get scared and climb back down...back and forth, back and forth! I had enough and said "time to go!" Everyone was so tired and cross they bickered continuously until their heads were on their pillows on their beds...they fell fast asleep within 30 minutes of us walking in the house. It wasn't even very late; we got home at 8:15pm!

Paul got home Saturday night about 11 and then had to turn around and leave earlier this afternoon. He will be gone again until Friday. This time he is just in Omaha doing his military job. Hopefully he will have some time off when he gets back so he can help with back to school stuff.

I took Katherine shopping at our brand new Target! Then Paul bawled me out for spending money!!!!!!! OOps! Back to school means money, sorry, honey! Be glad we homeschool three and one is too young for any of this yet! But lets face it, high school is expensive! Especially schools that have strict dress codes. Since she can't wear shorts, she will have to wear some lightweight pants, and guess what her backside has outgrown????? I only got her one pair of jeans and two pairs of capris, a dress and several tops (all of which conform to their strict rules and her figure). It is so funny to see these styles that I wore in highschool back in stores. I'm still waiting on the neon colors though...

Megan has been down with some kind of cold thing....but I will have to take her in as it just isn't relenting. It seems to be getting worse, so I'd better be prepared to awaken early; these same day appointments mean I have to rise at the crack of dawn to make an appointment...which isn't bad if they are in school as I am already up then, but during summer, that is a different issue.

This week some other homeschoolers in the area and I are participating in Vacation Bible school....Catholic homeschool style. The kids did so well today; I am so impressed. I'll have to get some pics of their hard working days (I think I have to rely on a kind mother or two to email me pics)>>>hint, hint!

Have a very blessed day!

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