What day is it? When Paul is out of town I have a very hard time falling asleep. Add to that more chores for just me AND now the neighbor kids staying with us.
I sent out a prayer request to our homeschool group. Our neighbors (across the street) have a 18 or 19 yr old adopted daughter. She is a freshman in a college here in town. She was in her dorm and her roommate rushed her into the ER when she awoke to discover one eye swollen shut. She is now in the hospital (has been since Tuesday) with a staph infection in her eye socket. Within three days it spread into her brain and now they are running tests to determine if she has gone septic. Yesterday they did surgery to remove the worst of the diseased tissue and to drain the "pockets" of staph that have accumulated around her head. How life can change in an instant!
So, now I have an extra 10 and 6 yr old. They blend well with our family as they already spend so much time with us, but now I have to be mom and dad to them as their own mom has been at the hospital for four days and dad is still working. They've been home for brief visits when mom and dad have come home to rest or change, but otherwise, they've been here.
Stephen went camping with some friends, so I should be getting him back today; freezing cold and wet! I actually had to let the dog in last night as it was supposed to get down to the low 20s. Looks like we are in for a cold one!
So you might wonder what we have done to keep everyone occupied. Coloring, drawing, playdough, fort building, Scrabble and dress up seem to fill our days. We also went to the library yesterday. I wanted to head to this huge garage sale, but it was just too cold for me to drag 7 kids out in it. Friday night I even had another one. Katherine had already arranged a sleepover with her friend, so I had two teenagers and Shelby brough her game system, so that actually kept everyone out of their hair so they could play and visit without a bunch of kids climbing all over them. Things have been going quite smoothly; I've just not left the house very much! Today, I will attempt to take the kids to church..if Stephen can get home in time! We may end up at noon mass as I haven't heard from him.
Well, pray for my neighbors' daughter Zoe. Things aren't looking so good and she is in a lot of pain. She had a very rough life before her adoption 6 yrs ago.
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