If I lived in Oregon, how would you come and visit me? Would it be faster to sail around South America or walk from Mississippi, through the desert, over the mountains and up to Oregon? I did have Kimberly listening to a friend's blogtalk radio program this morning. She now has her husband reading devotional stories to her kids before he leaves for work since he is working so much and not seeing them much. This way the kids start their day hearing dad reading about "Wisdom" before their school day begins. Kimberly enjoyed it so much I then set her up with my friend's blog reading children's stories. That kept her entertained for about an hour. Long enough for me to get some chores done and prepare the lessons for the day!
Well, I hear Lauren's geography quiz to Stephen has disrupted the educational atmosphere, so I'd better run....Have a blessed day!
YEAH for Steven! And thanks for listening to our shows! We so enjoy doing them! I LOVE your blog and the kids pics are so good! They are growing fast fast fast. And you look ever so gorgeous too!