I hope everyone had a joyful and blessed Thanksgiving!
We had beautiful weather and wonderful company. Paul's brother and his kids and Paul's sister, Julie were able to make it over. We had tons of food and everyone ate tons! I actually had very little left over. Today we had cranberry muffins to use up the cranberry sauce and my wonderful "holiday turkey casserole" to use up the gravy and turkey tonight. I was going to make potato rolls, but I'm just too worn out the past couple of days (after two days in the kitchen)to be able to make bread...that is a long process!
I went out for Black Friday shopping and managed to get almost ALL my shopping done in just one day! Whatever I didn't get directly in person, I ordered online as many of the stores also offered their Black Friday deals online...and some offered free shipping.
The kids have been pretty happy and good. I ran them out to the Y today to play and swim and then we went out for burgers and to the library. Paul had worked the 2am to 9am flight, so he was pretty beat...we gave him a nice long nap since the house was so peaceful.
I wish I could say we have pics, but once again the "not me" ghost has captured my camera. I think I actually hid it and now I can't find it, LOL!
Well, this will have to be short as I have a kitchen to clean...
We are a loving, generous Catholic family! We believe that children learn what they live and in that endeavor we are deeply committed to raising healthy, happy God fearing/ loving children. Our Catholic faith is the center of who we are and what we do. Homeschooling allows us the time to be the primary influence in our children's lives. "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers in example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim 4
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Weekend update
So, I guess lately we are being called into service...just about every few days someone we know has some small (or big) emergency that we are having to drop everything and help them...not that I mind! Anything to get away from reality, right?
Friday, I took Lauren into the allergist as her behavior has been getting increasingly worse (can't sit still for anything or anyone, everyone being mad at her for her misbehavior, etc). For some reason I just thought we'd give this a shot. Found out she was allergic to grasses and weeds, some trees, cats, dust mites and mold. We started her on Allegra and she is supposed to continue with that for 10 refills and then come back and get retested to see if it has successfully calmed her immune system down. I must say how shocked I am at how well she has taken to it. There have been no outbursts and screaming at Lauren from the others, Lauren has been calm and "normal" and her itching has about 90% vanished. She also had the nice "shiners" under her eyes that every day seem to be getting a little bit better. She didn't speak to me at all Friday as I didn't warn her about the "pokes" to her back, but she is over that shock now. She is also enjoying a calmer attitude and seems happier...all worth it!
So you can guess Saturday was spent cleaning every surface that could gather dust and steam cleaning/shampooing with special allergen killer the carpet in my room. I was going to move onto the living room, but the kids were in and out raking leaves and playing...actually everyone but Kimberly as all she did was run and take a nose dive into the piles!
I'll post more later, but I have to get busy with dinner prep! I did manage to get all my Thanksgiving shopping out of the way, so now I can just sit back and relax for a few days...on that front.
Friday, I took Lauren into the allergist as her behavior has been getting increasingly worse (can't sit still for anything or anyone, everyone being mad at her for her misbehavior, etc). For some reason I just thought we'd give this a shot. Found out she was allergic to grasses and weeds, some trees, cats, dust mites and mold. We started her on Allegra and she is supposed to continue with that for 10 refills and then come back and get retested to see if it has successfully calmed her immune system down. I must say how shocked I am at how well she has taken to it. There have been no outbursts and screaming at Lauren from the others, Lauren has been calm and "normal" and her itching has about 90% vanished. She also had the nice "shiners" under her eyes that every day seem to be getting a little bit better. She didn't speak to me at all Friday as I didn't warn her about the "pokes" to her back, but she is over that shock now. She is also enjoying a calmer attitude and seems happier...all worth it!
So you can guess Saturday was spent cleaning every surface that could gather dust and steam cleaning/shampooing with special allergen killer the carpet in my room. I was going to move onto the living room, but the kids were in and out raking leaves and playing...actually everyone but Kimberly as all she did was run and take a nose dive into the piles!
I'll post more later, but I have to get busy with dinner prep! I did manage to get all my Thanksgiving shopping out of the way, so now I can just sit back and relax for a few days...on that front.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The good son
It is 8:25 and I grabbed a cup of coffee to sit and check email. The kids have been given their assignments. Stephen was dutifully making his bed, then moved on to his morning chores and then I catch him doing this...school without being told!!!!!!!!!
Rebecca is refusing to get out of bed (I'm guessing this is related to yesterday's trip to the library). Lauren is somewhat doing school, except continuing to bother her brother with insane questions...
If I lived in Oregon, how would you come and visit me? Would it be faster to sail around South America or walk from Mississippi, through the desert, over the mountains and up to Oregon? I did have Kimberly listening to a friend's blogtalk radio program this morning. She now has her husband reading devotional stories to her kids before he leaves for work since he is working so much and not seeing them much. This way the kids start their day hearing dad reading about "Wisdom" before their school day begins. Kimberly enjoyed it so much I then set her up with my friend's blog reading children's stories. That kept her entertained for about an hour. Long enough for me to get some chores done and prepare the lessons for the day!
Well, I hear Lauren's geography quiz to Stephen has disrupted the educational atmosphere, so I'd better run....Have a blessed day!
If I lived in Oregon, how would you come and visit me? Would it be faster to sail around South America or walk from Mississippi, through the desert, over the mountains and up to Oregon? I did have Kimberly listening to a friend's blogtalk radio program this morning. She now has her husband reading devotional stories to her kids before he leaves for work since he is working so much and not seeing them much. This way the kids start their day hearing dad reading about "Wisdom" before their school day begins. Kimberly enjoyed it so much I then set her up with my friend's blog reading children's stories. That kept her entertained for about an hour. Long enough for me to get some chores done and prepare the lessons for the day!
Well, I hear Lauren's geography quiz to Stephen has disrupted the educational atmosphere, so I'd better run....Have a blessed day!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
my head is spinning
What day is it? When Paul is out of town I have a very hard time falling asleep. Add to that more chores for just me AND now the neighbor kids staying with us.
I sent out a prayer request to our homeschool group. Our neighbors (across the street) have a 18 or 19 yr old adopted daughter. She is a freshman in a college here in town. She was in her dorm and her roommate rushed her into the ER when she awoke to discover one eye swollen shut. She is now in the hospital (has been since Tuesday) with a staph infection in her eye socket. Within three days it spread into her brain and now they are running tests to determine if she has gone septic. Yesterday they did surgery to remove the worst of the diseased tissue and to drain the "pockets" of staph that have accumulated around her head. How life can change in an instant!
So, now I have an extra 10 and 6 yr old. They blend well with our family as they already spend so much time with us, but now I have to be mom and dad to them as their own mom has been at the hospital for four days and dad is still working. They've been home for brief visits when mom and dad have come home to rest or change, but otherwise, they've been here.
Stephen went camping with some friends, so I should be getting him back today; freezing cold and wet! I actually had to let the dog in last night as it was supposed to get down to the low 20s. Looks like we are in for a cold one!
So you might wonder what we have done to keep everyone occupied. Coloring, drawing, playdough, fort building, Scrabble and dress up seem to fill our days. We also went to the library yesterday. I wanted to head to this huge garage sale, but it was just too cold for me to drag 7 kids out in it. Friday night I even had another one. Katherine had already arranged a sleepover with her friend, so I had two teenagers and Shelby brough her game system, so that actually kept everyone out of their hair so they could play and visit without a bunch of kids climbing all over them. Things have been going quite smoothly; I've just not left the house very much! Today, I will attempt to take the kids to church..if Stephen can get home in time! We may end up at noon mass as I haven't heard from him.
Well, pray for my neighbors' daughter Zoe. Things aren't looking so good and she is in a lot of pain. She had a very rough life before her adoption 6 yrs ago.
I sent out a prayer request to our homeschool group. Our neighbors (across the street) have a 18 or 19 yr old adopted daughter. She is a freshman in a college here in town. She was in her dorm and her roommate rushed her into the ER when she awoke to discover one eye swollen shut. She is now in the hospital (has been since Tuesday) with a staph infection in her eye socket. Within three days it spread into her brain and now they are running tests to determine if she has gone septic. Yesterday they did surgery to remove the worst of the diseased tissue and to drain the "pockets" of staph that have accumulated around her head. How life can change in an instant!
So, now I have an extra 10 and 6 yr old. They blend well with our family as they already spend so much time with us, but now I have to be mom and dad to them as their own mom has been at the hospital for four days and dad is still working. They've been home for brief visits when mom and dad have come home to rest or change, but otherwise, they've been here.
Stephen went camping with some friends, so I should be getting him back today; freezing cold and wet! I actually had to let the dog in last night as it was supposed to get down to the low 20s. Looks like we are in for a cold one!
So you might wonder what we have done to keep everyone occupied. Coloring, drawing, playdough, fort building, Scrabble and dress up seem to fill our days. We also went to the library yesterday. I wanted to head to this huge garage sale, but it was just too cold for me to drag 7 kids out in it. Friday night I even had another one. Katherine had already arranged a sleepover with her friend, so I had two teenagers and Shelby brough her game system, so that actually kept everyone out of their hair so they could play and visit without a bunch of kids climbing all over them. Things have been going quite smoothly; I've just not left the house very much! Today, I will attempt to take the kids to church..if Stephen can get home in time! We may end up at noon mass as I haven't heard from him.
Well, pray for my neighbors' daughter Zoe. Things aren't looking so good and she is in a lot of pain. She had a very rough life before her adoption 6 yrs ago.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Megan's trying day and Kat's opportunity
Gas at Sam's, $1.80/gal
That was the price last night...filled up our huge van for $45! It was double that not too long ago! Food prices still seem to be high, but we just cut out all the "good" stuff.
We show up for children's choir practice last night at church. Seems to have all went rather bumpy...I was having a "bad mommy" day yesterday...but afterwards, the director grabs Katherine and makes her sing a song. Then excuses her and comes to me and says she wants her to do a solo on Christmas eve....Katherine is excited, but then this morning the reality of singing ALONE in front of a packed church hit her...she is very nervous now!
This also makes me very sad for the others. How can you stand being the "next Harper" after her? The straight A, never upset your parents, honest, talented sister has got to be hard on everyone else. Megan seems to really be bothered by it and tends to retreat into a "snit." She tries, but bless her heart, nothing she does ever turns out the way she wants it to. And, I probably didn't help by getting on her case about not using her time wisely. They had over two hours to get homework done, chores and eat dinner before leaving and Megan did nothing, then took a shower...she ended up running out to the car in her underwear! I'm such a bad mom! Here we were all ready to back up and she still wasn't in the van, I went up and said I would throw her out in her towel if she didn't get her butt in gear and she was crying and trying to at least get panties on as I followed her out to the van...she was dressed by the time we reached the Church. I feel at a loss as to how to help her, but maybe this is a maturation process. I remember Katherine, up until this year seemed to space out and not do anything. She seems to be getting better. I just hope they all hit this point, sooner rather than later.
That was the price last night...filled up our huge van for $45! It was double that not too long ago! Food prices still seem to be high, but we just cut out all the "good" stuff.
We show up for children's choir practice last night at church. Seems to have all went rather bumpy...I was having a "bad mommy" day yesterday...but afterwards, the director grabs Katherine and makes her sing a song. Then excuses her and comes to me and says she wants her to do a solo on Christmas eve....Katherine is excited, but then this morning the reality of singing ALONE in front of a packed church hit her...she is very nervous now!
This also makes me very sad for the others. How can you stand being the "next Harper" after her? The straight A, never upset your parents, honest, talented sister has got to be hard on everyone else. Megan seems to really be bothered by it and tends to retreat into a "snit." She tries, but bless her heart, nothing she does ever turns out the way she wants it to. And, I probably didn't help by getting on her case about not using her time wisely. They had over two hours to get homework done, chores and eat dinner before leaving and Megan did nothing, then took a shower...she ended up running out to the car in her underwear! I'm such a bad mom! Here we were all ready to back up and she still wasn't in the van, I went up and said I would throw her out in her towel if she didn't get her butt in gear and she was crying and trying to at least get panties on as I followed her out to the van...she was dressed by the time we reached the Church. I feel at a loss as to how to help her, but maybe this is a maturation process. I remember Katherine, up until this year seemed to space out and not do anything. She seems to be getting better. I just hope they all hit this point, sooner rather than later.
Kimberly's birthday

Monday was crazy busy...but the most memorable moment was losing Kimberly. The kids had all been playing in Lauren's room after lunch and I scolded them to get back to their work as creativity coop was at 3 and we were expecting three families to join us. I was working on our art project and continued preparing dinner, as well as the art stuff....well, a little while passed and I asked the kids to check on Kimberly. They obviously didn't do it. Just about 2:30 I came downstairs and started looking around. It was very quiet and somewhat dark as it was a cold-on-the-verge-of raining kind of afternoon. NO KIMBERLY ANYWHERE! I yelled up the stairs for the older kids to get shoes on and help me look. The doors were locke

Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Kimberly!
It is Monday...and 32 degrees outside! It is supposed to be colder this week with rain and such. I really should be doing something more productive, but I am just draggin'!
The nice thing about being here vs. Louisiana is the seasonal change. The leaves are so pretty right now! I don't remember ever truly experiencing Autumn in Louisiana. We went straight from Summer into Winter and then back into Summer again. Spring and Autumn were only week long shifts...not true seasons.
Everyone has the "snots." As you can see from the blog, we had family portraits taken on Saturday and it went somewhat painlessly, except for the child predator stalking my kids for a few minutes....the good Lord made sure I was extra vigilant and undistracted. He hung around until Paul showed up and then seemed to take off. Now I know why we don't go to mall's here! It is the first time we'd set foot in a mall in two years....
Katherine spent the rest of Saturday in choir competitions. They placed "Superior" (that means great). Megan won her English class spelling bee and wants to compete for the whole school bee...things seem to be looking up for her as she is finally getting motivated to do well. Rebecca spent the weekend playing with friends. The neighbor stayed the night and went to church with us on Sunday...well, went with Paul, Kat, Megan and Becca. By the time we reached the church, Paul and I both realized that three of the kids were way too snotty to take in and expose all the elderly parishoners to their colds, so I dropped the oldest ones off and took the other three shopping for an hour. We were going to celebrate Kimberly's birthday so I needed supplies. I had planned on making a cake on Saturday, but fell asleep at 8:30pm. Sunday I got up early, only to find I had just one egg....so I had to buy a cake. Paul was leaving for 10 days, so we had to do it then...no more time for me to make anything!
My camera has vanished, taken by the "not me" ghost. It was sitting in here on the file cabinet last I remember and now it is gone...so no pics until the "not me" ghost decides to return it. Kimberly picked out a Dora cake and everyone had fun eating spaghetti o's and cake and ice cream. Her grandma got her a new dress and her cousin in WA got her a big 'cushy' bear that everyone is threatening to take from Kimmy. Grandma also got her a cabbage patch kids doll playset that they have been playing with ever since. We got her some DVD's of her favorite shows (we have no cable so they are just Wonderpets and Little Einsteins..we've seen them when we checked them out from the library) and a little indoor bowling set.
Well, I need to get back to work...busy day today!
The nice thing about being here vs. Louisiana is the seasonal change. The leaves are so pretty right now! I don't remember ever truly experiencing Autumn in Louisiana. We went straight from Summer into Winter and then back into Summer again. Spring and Autumn were only week long shifts...not true seasons.
Everyone has the "snots." As you can see from the blog, we had family portraits taken on Saturday and it went somewhat painlessly, except for the child predator stalking my kids for a few minutes....the good Lord made sure I was extra vigilant and undistracted. He hung around until Paul showed up and then seemed to take off. Now I know why we don't go to mall's here! It is the first time we'd set foot in a mall in two years....
Katherine spent the rest of Saturday in choir competitions. They placed "Superior" (that means great). Megan won her English class spelling bee and wants to compete for the whole school bee...things seem to be looking up for her as she is finally getting motivated to do well. Rebecca spent the weekend playing with friends. The neighbor stayed the night and went to church with us on Sunday...well, went with Paul, Kat, Megan and Becca. By the time we reached the church, Paul and I both realized that three of the kids were way too snotty to take in and expose all the elderly parishoners to their colds, so I dropped the oldest ones off and took the other three shopping for an hour. We were going to celebrate Kimberly's birthday so I needed supplies. I had planned on making a cake on Saturday, but fell asleep at 8:30pm. Sunday I got up early, only to find I had just one egg....so I had to buy a cake. Paul was leaving for 10 days, so we had to do it then...no more time for me to make anything!
My camera has vanished, taken by the "not me" ghost. It was sitting in here on the file cabinet last I remember and now it is gone...so no pics until the "not me" ghost decides to return it. Kimberly picked out a Dora cake and everyone had fun eating spaghetti o's and cake and ice cream. Her grandma got her a new dress and her cousin in WA got her a big 'cushy' bear that everyone is threatening to take from Kimmy. Grandma also got her a cabbage patch kids doll playset that they have been playing with ever since. We got her some DVD's of her favorite shows (we have no cable so they are just Wonderpets and Little Einsteins..we've seen them when we checked them out from the library) and a little indoor bowling set.
Well, I need to get back to work...busy day today!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sad day
Well, the elections are over and it is such a bummer. It is a sad, ignorant country whose citizens base their opinion of others based on the color of their skin or their smooth sounding voice...but who never listen or demand answers. Sure, we were kinda picking the "not best, but not worst" but isn't it sad that the best leaders, the ones who would really make GREAT presidents, don't even run...because of all the crap that candidates have to put up with. What about Fred Thompson, Alan Keyes or even Sarah Palin (I really liked her)? It is a sad state of affairs and I just hope and pray that the next four years do not destroy this nation of ours....
Monday, November 3, 2008
Patience and Trust
I happened upon this quote today and thought I'd share...
"Commit your heart and your life to patiently waiting on God. Be obedient to what He has called you to do right now, and do it with excellence. Ask God to show you the lessons He wants to teach you in order to be ready to assume the next position He is preparing you for. Do not run ahead of the Lord. Hurry is the death of trust." Zoe Elmore
"Commit your heart and your life to patiently waiting on God. Be obedient to what He has called you to do right now, and do it with excellence. Ask God to show you the lessons He wants to teach you in order to be ready to assume the next position He is preparing you for. Do not run ahead of the Lord. Hurry is the death of trust." Zoe Elmore
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Kimberly ends the holiday, by sitting in my now empty candy bowl! I also wanted to add that I filled up with gas yesterday for $2.04 gal and my neighbor reported $1.95 in Collierville! It is also in the upper 70's during the day, but down to 30-40's at night. Strange weather this year, but I am hoping that means a good cold winter to kill off some bugs!
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