Wednesday, February 15, 2012

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

Ok, Cari @ Clan Donalson told me to do this and link it to Rambling Follower, however, the first thing I have to admit is:

#1 I am a complete computer idiot. In college, I worked three jobs at one point to pay my way through school. One job used two different computers, another one used yet another type and the third job was at a dry cleaner (so no computer). I have seven children and my brain stopped working around the time that number six was born ;). Therefore, I have no idea how to link anything unless it pops up by itself.

#2 I am the oldest of three girls and spent much of my growing up years being accused of being too controlling, bossy, and mean to my sisters. We fought all the time (driving my mother batty). Seven children has cured me of that--now I am more laid back and silent more often than not.

#3 I am terrified of driving over bridges. When we lived in Haughton, I had to drive over the Mississippi River on a daily basis. My heart rate increased and I would sweat, imagining the whole time how I would get the kids out. Came up with an idea for floating child/infant carseats that would propel them up to the surface if the Suburban went down fast and I could only undo seat belts...or would I just drown with them, therefore making it fair? Who could I save?
#4 I love portraying myself as competent knowledgeable and cool. The fact is, I am the opposite. The older I get I seem to be going downhill.

#5 In high school, my mother used to refer to me as the poster child for MTV as I dressed like a cross between Boy George and Madonna.

#6 I never dreamed I would be married and have seven kids...I always thought I'd be a Lobbyist/Lawyer working in Washington D.C.

#7 I love my children more than I ever dreamed I could--and that love is exponential with each child. I still wish I could have more. The dynamics of a large family intrigue me immensely.

#8 My college degree is in Pre-law/Government and my minor is in English (see #6).

#9 My parents divorced when I was in sixth grade and I never regretted their decision. Some people are just better off apart--far apart.

#10 I love to travel--but not to busy places..I am not a fan of big cities!

There, done, now Cari, how do I link this thing?


Family Picture 2008

Family Picture 2008