The older I get I realize that most everything loops back around...whether fashion trends, diet trends, hairstyles or life in general. Remember hating your mom and talking back? Well, have kids and you get it all back again. Well, around here, it hadn't been that bad, but seemed to reach a crescendo last winter, then we *ALL* had a huge wake up call. I was diagnosed with cancer. It came as a complete shock and took me awhile to digest what it meant. The lab results came just about two weeks before Christmas and seemed to linger on everyone's mind the entire Advent season. Now after weeks of waiting and more trips to the hospital for yet more tests, I am cancer free. The doctors are still wanting one more surgery, but my peace is in not having another surgery and just getting back on track with my life and monitoring my body in the time frame the doctors have given me. Supplements and losing weight are top priorities for Lent. Discipline has been severely lacking in my life and this was just a wake up call to get myself back into leading a more disciplined life.
Katherine is thriving at her new college. Feeling a part of something for the first time in her life, even if it means living nine and a half hours from family and friends; and Kyle!
Megan is finally starting to leave her teenage angst behind her and becoming more mature and responsible as the days go by.
Rebecca is entering teenage angst...need I say more...
Stephen has been a bag of bones for about a year now...we check him occasionally for a pulse.
I noticed yesterday that Lauren is beginning to get accepted into the fold with the older girls. This is a new one. At Church, she sat with the "big" girls without them pushing her away or getting annoyed with her. Friends of ours used to call this "herd mentality." I see it clearly now. The little minions still prefer to be on mama's lap and occasionally getting attention from the other kids, but Lauren has now shifted into the next phase.

Kimberly still wants to be babied and really fights growing up. Veronica is the bain to my existence right now. Demanding, whiny, and all sorts of disagreeableness exist in that child. I guess it is good she is pretty...but reminds me a lot of Scarlet O'Hara...and that shall be her nickname! I think there is even a similarity there! Blue eyes and all!