Well, what do you know? It has snowed twice this winter in Mississippi! We didn't get all the nasty ice that everyone else had, but just a nice dusting of snow and enough "coldness" for them to cancel school today....for everyone but the homeschoolers! Mom is so mean!
At least Megan didn't have to miss school for her orthodontic evaluation....yes, another one in braces! She will start next month. They will try to hook her up with Katie's same dental student so they can have their appointments together.
Speaking of dental...I've had quite the ride. A few weeks ago I bit down into a licorice rope and heard a bone crunching sound eminating from my mouth! I called the dentist, but due the late hour they told me to come in first thing in the morning. He looked at it and said he couldn't find anything wrong, so referred me to an endodontist after he bonded the now loose tooth to the ones surrounding it. One visit to the endo and he found the crack...half of my tooth was lucky to still be there. The crack was across the middle of the back of the tooth. Also the root canal I had on that tooth when I was little was now broken as well...the tooth was needing a new "post and core." So I went in last Friday, armed with a mild pain killer that all my friend's told me was worthless...but what else can you do pregnant? So after enduring painful shots to numb me (they thought I was tough enough to withstand it since I had my babies at home without drugs) he went to work redoing the rootcanal then gave instructions for me to return to my dentist for a crown. I had no idea what I was in for! Monday or Tuesday (I don't remember it is still a blur) I went in not knowing they were going to REMOVE my tooth, send it to a lab, and let me live with a temporary until mid Feb when the tooth would come back!!!!!! So why the hell did I get the root canal fixed? Seems to me they could have removed it, repaired it, crowned it and then put it all back! Why so many dr. visits, xrays and PAIN?!?!?!? I'm starting to really get sick of soup and yogurt!! I did get some applesauce today, woohoo! I also managed to eat a taco salad....no biting anything or eating anything requiring my front teeth for awhile.
Well, I am glad the kids were around today...everything felt "normal" for once. I know other parents dread their kids being home--I LOVE IT!
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