Well, the year started off warm down here in the south, but has turned its nastiness back on us and we have freezing rain! You have to add the cold to the humidity and it is down right bone-chilling! Stephen started basketball practice. We managed to get him onto a team with some other homeschool friends, so he is really enjoying it...we'll let you know when there "big" game is! Paul and I drove out to meet the new midwife today and she was an absolute delight! Being a fellow midwife and also having had so many, I've learned that it isn't like interviewing doctors at all. I am looking for how she conducts herself, how she speaks and what I see her "see me" as. Paul and I both took an instant like to her and I can't wait for this friendship to grow! I must say too, that we were gone for four hours and not one phone call from the kids and the house was clean when I got home! Makes me wonder if Katherine locked everyone up until we returned, LOL!
Paul has to report out to the airport tomorow and will be on "hotel standby" for 12 hours...he tells me, "you should come out and we can have dinner...." Ha! Is that what you call it now? He has to do that for four days...I get the bed to myself finally!!!
Katherine is gearing up for her big NYC trip in just under 10 days! I'm a little bit of a wreck, but I am sure she will be fine. Megan and Kat both go back tomorrow and I actually got on the computer tonight so I could download the lesson plans for the other three tomorrow. I honestly still have to input their grades from last quarter, but that shouldn't take me much time.
Tomorrow we will have some company, so everyone is going to have to hustle with their work and get done before lunch. This shouldn't be too much of a problem...unless you are seven and have ADHD...then it is torture!!!!
Well, I probably need to hit the sack early as Meg & Kat leave for the bus at 6:40 in the morning!
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