I am well again, but I feel I've lost 6 weeks of my life! In my attempt to get caught up on everything today, I got done with nothing....isn't that how it always goes.
One bright thing that happened yesterday, is my 2yr old took my face in her hands, smoothed my hair back and said, "you're bootiful." Made my day!
Today, I was privy to a unusual sight, Paul pausing from the computer long enough to engage in a educated discussion with Stephen over exploration and the importance of which country sent who where...When asked, "where was Genoa?" Stephen replied, "Italy." Dad, "good...now where is Italy?" Stephen, "Isn't it that continent above Africa?" Dad, "okay, can you be more specific...and remember it they sailed, right, didn't walk." Stephen, "Well, I think they had to have walked, otherwise how would they have gotten on their ship?" He said this totally seriously....I however was trying hard not to laugh and Paul was getting frustrated as he thought Stephen was trying to be a class clown...Praytell, how can you be a class clown with only two kids in the room????? This is why mommy teaches and daddy works....he just doesn't have the patience for it....gotta love 'em anyway (although today i am just calling him the convenient sperm donor...it's been a bad day)!
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