Tuesday, November 20, 2007

school days

I still remember being in school and am constantly amazed when I see my kids and I think, I remember being that age. Things were so different then!
Megan came home yesterday so excited because she made a "C" on her math test. Instead of being upset and depressed like her older sister would have been, she was thrilled at having gotten a passing grade! Megan struggles, always has and always will. We can go over and over information and then she will go to school and have to take two days to complete a test that I thought for sure she would whip through. She loves her friends at school and has managed to correct them on their sinful behavior a few times (I still think that is just too cute!). She is probably the last kid in the family that I dreamed would ever do that! She just loves her friends far too much to see them hurt themselves.
Katherine finished up two performances, one of them a competition at Ole' Miss University (I have no idea where that is or what the competition was for) for choir. Paul drove down witht he bus and got to watch it. He said they all did a super job.
Apart from her monthly emotional roller coaster she is turning out to be a fine young lady. We sat down last night looking through pictures of her for a project she had to do for school and I just couldn't believe how the time has flown! I just keep thinking in four short years she will be in college! What happened to my giggly blond curled little sunshine that used to get into everything and run all over the place and drive me batty????
Well, they are going to be home tomorrow and I am so thankful that I finally get to sleep in! Now if the dogs would just sleep past 5am I'd be thrilled!

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