In the aftermath of Thanksgiving we had several productive days. I spent that Friday cooking my heart out, trying to use up all the leftovers. I think I ended up with a turkey noodle soup, 2 turkey pot pies, 9 cups of broth, 2 batchs of Hoppin'John (for you non-southerners that is black-eyed peas with ham) and about 3 cups cubed turkey. I didn't think I'd get that much, but a little goes a long way! I decided next time to have turkey pot pies already prepared and give them away as guests leave!
We also have almost completed decorating. As you can see from our photo, the house is done, save for the outside. We started that, but decided we needed a taller ladder to save ourselves a broken neck or two. Right before this shot was taken Lauren (the red head up front) was swingin around the living room and accidentally pulled one of the stockings down...thereby cracking her head open with the stocking holder "P". We had blood spurting out of her head and had to change her dress. Her pic actually turned out very well, despite the last minute dress change and hysterical crying just two minutes prior. We did get the blood to stop as well.
My sister made it home safe and sound. My mom called to say they'd had snow and even the pass over the mountains had closed for a bit. We were both glad that Tara wasn't going to attempt to drive back to mom's. She ended up getting called back to work sooner than she expected, so she didn't have more that a day or two left off.
Paul is off today and tomorrow so I am hoping to get some shopping done. Just a few things here and there. I'm amazed at how much time I have. Usually we don't decorate till the last minute and forget about the cards and pictures...there is usually no time! This year I should be able to get them out on time!
Well, I need to get back to "work."
Love to you all!
We are a loving, generous Catholic family! We believe that children learn what they live and in that endeavor we are deeply committed to raising healthy, happy God fearing/ loving children. Our Catholic faith is the center of who we are and what we do. Homeschooling allows us the time to be the primary influence in our children's lives. "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers in example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim 4
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Well, the turkey is pretty much gone, as is the ham and cranberry relish. We all had a splendidly relaxing Thanksgiving. With no tv in our living room, this led to lots of conversation for the grownups and play for the kids. It was so cold that only a few dared go out, but the majority stayed in to put together puzzles, train sets or watch a movie in the kids playroom. With eight adults and 11 kids it was a houseful, but we had a wonderful time. Let's see, I made the turkey, ham, cranberry relish and gravy (well, my sister helped as well). Then my sister also made fresh applesauce, pumpkin pie and fresh whipped cream. Paul's sister brought broccoli salad and a sweet raisin bread. His dad & stepmom brought stuffing and jello salad. Paul's brother's family brought a cheesecake and freshly steamed asparagus with a white/cheese dipping well as the now infamous cream puffs with nutella, Kimberly fell asleep at dinner in her high one point her head came down onto her plate, so we picked her up and laid her in bed. She had a nice nap through the noisiest part of the evening.
Well, Kimberly as usual is demanding my attention, so I'd better run!
Many blessings!
Well, Kimberly as usual is demanding my attention, so I'd better run!
Many blessings!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sleep finally!
I can't believe it....I finally got 8hrs of sleep! Paul moved the dog crates outside before he left for work, so no barking at 3am for a potty break for the puppy. Because their crates were outside they didn't bark either! Thanks be to God!
Almost everyone is still sleeping. Stephen and Kimberly are up and eating a bowl of cereal. Stephen has got a bit of a stuffy nose, so he told me he woke up at 4am and couldn't sleep anymore. This should make him a lot of fun later on in the day!
Tuesday is our run around in Collierville day. It is a little over a 30 minute drive for us. Megan, Stephen and Lauren have piano while Rebecca has gymnastics. I cannot believe how well Stephen is playing for having only touched the piano for the first time just two months ago! He whipped right thru the first lesson book in a month and is now on Level I. Lauren is a little slower, but her age makes it hard for her to sit still and listen. She practices all the time and is also doing very well. Megan seems to like piano some days and gives it her all and other days she refuses to do anything and it is a battle to get her to do anything. She is just so dramatic. Yesterday she announced (when it came to her turn) that she was having a bad day and didnt' want to make it any worse by playing the piano! I ended up having to pick up the other two and go and sit in the van while her piano teacher dealt with her. Thankfully Miss Teresa is a kind hearted, but firm, teacher and she managed to get a lesson into her.
I had dropped off my sister with Rebecca so she could watch her. Tara managed to get a little video of my daughter doing a cartwheel double back handspring! I hadn't seen her do that ever! She is working very hard on her gymnastics and I've seen her just do amazing things now. I wish we could get her on the team, but at $385/month that will never happen! I know the coach/owner really wants her, but we told them that Rebecca is not our only child and there is no way we could ever swing that! So they've agreed that we sign up for regular lessons and they work almost one on one with her while she is there and that she is free to come in at other times and work out with the team any time she wants without charge. I'll check with Tara and see if she can download the video she took and attach it to the blog for me...
Have a blessed day!
Almost everyone is still sleeping. Stephen and Kimberly are up and eating a bowl of cereal. Stephen has got a bit of a stuffy nose, so he told me he woke up at 4am and couldn't sleep anymore. This should make him a lot of fun later on in the day!
Tuesday is our run around in Collierville day. It is a little over a 30 minute drive for us. Megan, Stephen and Lauren have piano while Rebecca has gymnastics. I cannot believe how well Stephen is playing for having only touched the piano for the first time just two months ago! He whipped right thru the first lesson book in a month and is now on Level I. Lauren is a little slower, but her age makes it hard for her to sit still and listen. She practices all the time and is also doing very well. Megan seems to like piano some days and gives it her all and other days she refuses to do anything and it is a battle to get her to do anything. She is just so dramatic. Yesterday she announced (when it came to her turn) that she was having a bad day and didnt' want to make it any worse by playing the piano! I ended up having to pick up the other two and go and sit in the van while her piano teacher dealt with her. Thankfully Miss Teresa is a kind hearted, but firm, teacher and she managed to get a lesson into her.
I had dropped off my sister with Rebecca so she could watch her. Tara managed to get a little video of my daughter doing a cartwheel double back handspring! I hadn't seen her do that ever! She is working very hard on her gymnastics and I've seen her just do amazing things now. I wish we could get her on the team, but at $385/month that will never happen! I know the coach/owner really wants her, but we told them that Rebecca is not our only child and there is no way we could ever swing that! So they've agreed that we sign up for regular lessons and they work almost one on one with her while she is there and that she is free to come in at other times and work out with the team any time she wants without charge. I'll check with Tara and see if she can download the video she took and attach it to the blog for me...
Have a blessed day!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
school days
I still remember being in school and am constantly amazed when I see my kids and I think, I remember being that age. Things were so different then!
Megan came home yesterday so excited because she made a "C" on her math test. Instead of being upset and depressed like her older sister would have been, she was thrilled at having gotten a passing grade! Megan struggles, always has and always will. We can go over and over information and then she will go to school and have to take two days to complete a test that I thought for sure she would whip through. She loves her friends at school and has managed to correct them on their sinful behavior a few times (I still think that is just too cute!). She is probably the last kid in the family that I dreamed would ever do that! She just loves her friends far too much to see them hurt themselves.
Katherine finished up two performances, one of them a competition at Ole' Miss University (I have no idea where that is or what the competition was for) for choir. Paul drove down witht he bus and got to watch it. He said they all did a super job.
Apart from her monthly emotional roller coaster she is turning out to be a fine young lady. We sat down last night looking through pictures of her for a project she had to do for school and I just couldn't believe how the time has flown! I just keep thinking in four short years she will be in college! What happened to my giggly blond curled little sunshine that used to get into everything and run all over the place and drive me batty????
Well, they are going to be home tomorrow and I am so thankful that I finally get to sleep in! Now if the dogs would just sleep past 5am I'd be thrilled!
Megan came home yesterday so excited because she made a "C" on her math test. Instead of being upset and depressed like her older sister would have been, she was thrilled at having gotten a passing grade! Megan struggles, always has and always will. We can go over and over information and then she will go to school and have to take two days to complete a test that I thought for sure she would whip through. She loves her friends at school and has managed to correct them on their sinful behavior a few times (I still think that is just too cute!). She is probably the last kid in the family that I dreamed would ever do that! She just loves her friends far too much to see them hurt themselves.
Katherine finished up two performances, one of them a competition at Ole' Miss University (I have no idea where that is or what the competition was for) for choir. Paul drove down witht he bus and got to watch it. He said they all did a super job.
Apart from her monthly emotional roller coaster she is turning out to be a fine young lady. We sat down last night looking through pictures of her for a project she had to do for school and I just couldn't believe how the time has flown! I just keep thinking in four short years she will be in college! What happened to my giggly blond curled little sunshine that used to get into everything and run all over the place and drive me batty????
Well, they are going to be home tomorrow and I am so thankful that I finally get to sleep in! Now if the dogs would just sleep past 5am I'd be thrilled!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Donuts for Obedience...
Okay, I'll admit it...I bribe my kids. But let's face it. We don't get up and go to work everyday out of a sense of responsibility, we do it because we get paid...and today is payday in the Harper household. I came up with the idea after I heard him firmly telling the children, "no chores, no food." I thought there might be a gentler way to handle this and decided that they'd get paid just like daddy...only for what they did. For too long I doled out money here and there for things; now they have to use their money to buy things for themselves. School lunch, snacks and non-necessary items. (We do provide clothing and shelter for free). They each have chore charts that must be signed off by a parent and turn them in on Saturday night. We then pay them on Sunday. Works well when they want something and realize they have no money because they've done no chores for two weeks. I've learned that they must earn their own right to learn from their sins and mistakes.
If on Sunday they have not behaved in Church, then they also do not get donuts....Stephen is learning that lesson hard today!.
Well, I'd love to sit and chat, but Kimberly is having an off couple of days and really just wants me to sit and rock her, so off I go...
I'll write more later!
If on Sunday they have not behaved in Church, then they also do not get donuts....Stephen is learning that lesson hard today!.
Well, I'd love to sit and chat, but Kimberly is having an off couple of days and really just wants me to sit and rock her, so off I go...
I'll write more later!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The Peanut Butter Dog
Now that it is Saturday, I can finally put in the story that Carole wanted me to post....THE PEANUT BUTTER DOG story!
This happened about 8 years ago (I was big and pregnant with Stephen who was born in May, 1999). Paul was TDY with the military and I had three very active, creative and rambunctious girls that I was constantly trying to keep out of trouble. I had kicked them out into the backyard so I could take a little nap on the couch. Our living room looked out into the backyard and our dog would bark constantly if they tried to escape, so I didn't think there would be any harm.
Well, I fell fast asleep and when I woke up I realized that it was dusk so I got up praying the girls would still be in the backyard. I looked out and saw the dog laying down facing away from me cleaning himself. I opened the back door and immediately saw an empty 5lb. peanut butter cannister (the one I had just bought that day at the commissary). Peering through all the bushes in our backyard, I spotted three naked girls in a tree. The only thing on them was large spots of peanut butter. A better view of the dog revealed he, too, was covered in peanut butter--licking himself and then throwing up...over and over!
God always gives us moments to choose prayer or slip closer into is a tossup at this point as to which I would choose...
I chose prayer. Saying "Hail Mary!" several hundred times over the next 30 minutes helped to keep me sane as I tried to extract peanut butter from long girls' hair--the dog would have to wait. Goo Gone actually worked well, as did the scaldingly hot showers. After they were all completely cleaned up I sat them down for plain bread and a piece of fruit and then put them to bed. Now for the dog!
I called a friend who had four boys and asked if she knew how to get peanut butter out of dog hair...she laughed uproariously and was of no use to me anymore. The goo gone didn't seem to work as well, nor did the dog shampoo. I decided he would just have to endure it until the morning. I went to bed.
The next day I called our vet and asked if I could squeeze in a grooming. They said, "sure, bring him on in." You should have seen this dog...dried peanut butter with grass and dirt stuck and matted his hair in odd designs and he was so sick from the peanut butter that he staggered when he walked. The whole vet office came out to look at him and of course asked what happened. I explained what my creative little devils had done and asked if they could possibly work on him and get it out. They said they'd do what they could....about 8 hours later they called to say he was done! From that point on, Barry was more affectionately known as the peanut butter dog by our vet clinic...
This happened about 8 years ago (I was big and pregnant with Stephen who was born in May, 1999). Paul was TDY with the military and I had three very active, creative and rambunctious girls that I was constantly trying to keep out of trouble. I had kicked them out into the backyard so I could take a little nap on the couch. Our living room looked out into the backyard and our dog would bark constantly if they tried to escape, so I didn't think there would be any harm.
Well, I fell fast asleep and when I woke up I realized that it was dusk so I got up praying the girls would still be in the backyard. I looked out and saw the dog laying down facing away from me cleaning himself. I opened the back door and immediately saw an empty 5lb. peanut butter cannister (the one I had just bought that day at the commissary). Peering through all the bushes in our backyard, I spotted three naked girls in a tree. The only thing on them was large spots of peanut butter. A better view of the dog revealed he, too, was covered in peanut butter--licking himself and then throwing up...over and over!
God always gives us moments to choose prayer or slip closer into is a tossup at this point as to which I would choose...
I chose prayer. Saying "Hail Mary!" several hundred times over the next 30 minutes helped to keep me sane as I tried to extract peanut butter from long girls' hair--the dog would have to wait. Goo Gone actually worked well, as did the scaldingly hot showers. After they were all completely cleaned up I sat them down for plain bread and a piece of fruit and then put them to bed. Now for the dog!
I called a friend who had four boys and asked if she knew how to get peanut butter out of dog hair...she laughed uproariously and was of no use to me anymore. The goo gone didn't seem to work as well, nor did the dog shampoo. I decided he would just have to endure it until the morning. I went to bed.
The next day I called our vet and asked if I could squeeze in a grooming. They said, "sure, bring him on in." You should have seen this dog...dried peanut butter with grass and dirt stuck and matted his hair in odd designs and he was so sick from the peanut butter that he staggered when he walked. The whole vet office came out to look at him and of course asked what happened. I explained what my creative little devils had done and asked if they could possibly work on him and get it out. They said they'd do what they could....about 8 hours later they called to say he was done! From that point on, Barry was more affectionately known as the peanut butter dog by our vet clinic...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Back to Normal?
All's well that begins well...actually not. In a large family the one thing I've learned is that it can all go to pot once you turn your back! I've actually sat down to type this twice, but got pulled away for an "oooo gross" (Kimberly speak for "poopy diaper") and a "Mommy I can't reach the cereal" (never mind the fact that I made Piggy Pudding for breakfast, so a 9x13" pan is sitting on top of the stove with breakfast in it).
When I came back to the computer, Kimberly had wiped out my blog info and youtube was how she did that I don't know!
Megan is back in school today. Even if she has a bit of a stomach ache, I told her I could no longer justify a child staying home who is failing school! When I caught her fighting with her sisters last night I knew she was better, so off she went! She had one bought of vomiting and suffered thru some nausea for a couple of days. The doc said that the constipation was what caused the stomach ache (of course she felt better in the dr's office!). She did have a mild fever when we went, but nothing else remarkable could give us a hint as to what is going on. Did I mention how much I love this new doctor? She is my kind of doctor. Their office boasts an 88% success rate of seeing patients within 5 minutes of their arrival (this was recorded over last Christmas's holiday!). They do not conduct appointments ahead of time, but guarantee that if you call before 7:30 that you will be seen that day. At first this drove me batty, but I've adjusted and am really liking it. It is all completely paperless. You register your new patient info online and it goes directly to their office and sets up your "file." All the techs, nurses and doctor carry laptops from room to room. This allows the doc to see all your history at a glance and to know what is happening in all the rooms as well. It is decorated with a water theme and even has a cascading waterfall that soothes the sounds of the office. With light bamboo flooring and leather recliner/exam tables it is truly an experience to "go to the doctor." They even have a wellness center attached that has massage therapy, yoga classes, pilates, weight watchers, kid fit classes and mommy/baby yoga. I wish we lived closer to the doc (it is a 50 minute drive for us). But at least I'm not stressed every time we have to go. Now if I could just get there without getting lost ;)
Back to our family....
Becca woke up yesterday at 6:30, determined to get her work done before Lauren woke up. Actually she came very close. Since everyone got done quickly, we managed to get my sister out for a tour around town...ummm, I think that took 20 minutes! We then popped over to Sonic for a treat and then do the afternoon scramble since we had dentist appointments.
I don't know how Katie has managed to get six cavities, but that has severely delayed her in getting her braces. Stephen and Rebecca only have one each (they both are done with fillings) and I think Megan only had one as well, but I had to boot her since she was still feeling ill. I took her place since I had three teeth that needed working on...not cavities, but we are slowly going thru and taking out the old silver cavities as they are turning into wedges and cracking my molars in half! This dentist is the polar opposite of our doctor, in that I wait for 30-90 minutes for an appointment. There are three dentists and four hygienists think they could see you on time! I have half a mind to go around and sit in waiting rooms and time how long it takes for patients to be seen in any given office! I think that is my biggest frustration about seeing docs/dentists is their complete lack of respect for my time!
Paul got called out to fly a SLC route, I think the last text I got was that he was in SLC again and not supposed to be done until Sunday....we'll see. He's got a nice schedule this month as he is a reserve pilot and they only call him when they need him. He signed up for first fly this week, so hopefully his name will go to the bottom of the list for next week.
We're hosting Thanksgiving this year at our house. It should be a lot of fun! We might have a houseful if Paul's brother's family all comes. That would be good for the cousins to get to see each other.
Well, I need to get on with my day. Lauren is still sleeping and I need to rouse her and get some laundry into the dryer...4 loads by 4!
Your sister in Christ,
When I came back to the computer, Kimberly had wiped out my blog info and youtube was how she did that I don't know!
Megan is back in school today. Even if she has a bit of a stomach ache, I told her I could no longer justify a child staying home who is failing school! When I caught her fighting with her sisters last night I knew she was better, so off she went! She had one bought of vomiting and suffered thru some nausea for a couple of days. The doc said that the constipation was what caused the stomach ache (of course she felt better in the dr's office!). She did have a mild fever when we went, but nothing else remarkable could give us a hint as to what is going on. Did I mention how much I love this new doctor? She is my kind of doctor. Their office boasts an 88% success rate of seeing patients within 5 minutes of their arrival (this was recorded over last Christmas's holiday!). They do not conduct appointments ahead of time, but guarantee that if you call before 7:30 that you will be seen that day. At first this drove me batty, but I've adjusted and am really liking it. It is all completely paperless. You register your new patient info online and it goes directly to their office and sets up your "file." All the techs, nurses and doctor carry laptops from room to room. This allows the doc to see all your history at a glance and to know what is happening in all the rooms as well. It is decorated with a water theme and even has a cascading waterfall that soothes the sounds of the office. With light bamboo flooring and leather recliner/exam tables it is truly an experience to "go to the doctor." They even have a wellness center attached that has massage therapy, yoga classes, pilates, weight watchers, kid fit classes and mommy/baby yoga. I wish we lived closer to the doc (it is a 50 minute drive for us). But at least I'm not stressed every time we have to go. Now if I could just get there without getting lost ;)
Back to our family....
Becca woke up yesterday at 6:30, determined to get her work done before Lauren woke up. Actually she came very close. Since everyone got done quickly, we managed to get my sister out for a tour around town...ummm, I think that took 20 minutes! We then popped over to Sonic for a treat and then do the afternoon scramble since we had dentist appointments.
I don't know how Katie has managed to get six cavities, but that has severely delayed her in getting her braces. Stephen and Rebecca only have one each (they both are done with fillings) and I think Megan only had one as well, but I had to boot her since she was still feeling ill. I took her place since I had three teeth that needed working on...not cavities, but we are slowly going thru and taking out the old silver cavities as they are turning into wedges and cracking my molars in half! This dentist is the polar opposite of our doctor, in that I wait for 30-90 minutes for an appointment. There are three dentists and four hygienists think they could see you on time! I have half a mind to go around and sit in waiting rooms and time how long it takes for patients to be seen in any given office! I think that is my biggest frustration about seeing docs/dentists is their complete lack of respect for my time!
Paul got called out to fly a SLC route, I think the last text I got was that he was in SLC again and not supposed to be done until Sunday....we'll see. He's got a nice schedule this month as he is a reserve pilot and they only call him when they need him. He signed up for first fly this week, so hopefully his name will go to the bottom of the list for next week.
We're hosting Thanksgiving this year at our house. It should be a lot of fun! We might have a houseful if Paul's brother's family all comes. That would be good for the cousins to get to see each other.
Well, I need to get on with my day. Lauren is still sleeping and I need to rouse her and get some laundry into the dryer...4 loads by 4!
Your sister in Christ,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sleep comes only to the weak!
Megan has been home for two days with a bellyache. No fever, no other symptoms, so we've dosing her with Milk of Magnesia to get her to have a no avail. This has been going on since about Saturday evening. I'm taking her in today, we'll keep you posted. But she has basically been in and out of the tub every two hours (which I don't even want to discuss the water and electric bill after this!) since yesterday. She says it feels better to be warm...
Kimberly has the opposite problem and has been suffering from an all around cranky-itis, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. I finally gave up trying to make her stop crying at 4am and gave her Benadryl...sleep at last!
That 5:30 alarm seemed to come wayyyyyy to early today. Paul lovingly picked up the slack and even fixed the kids a hot meal before shoving them out the door!
My sister comes in today and we are all excited! Paul of course, has to pick her up as I have no idea how to get around Memphis on my own and we have three with piano lessons and one with gymnastics tonight. Guess I better get downstairs and get the house tidied up...but first that phone call to the dr.
Have a wonderfully rested and blessed day!
Kimberly has the opposite problem and has been suffering from an all around cranky-itis, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. I finally gave up trying to make her stop crying at 4am and gave her Benadryl...sleep at last!
That 5:30 alarm seemed to come wayyyyyy to early today. Paul lovingly picked up the slack and even fixed the kids a hot meal before shoving them out the door!
My sister comes in today and we are all excited! Paul of course, has to pick her up as I have no idea how to get around Memphis on my own and we have three with piano lessons and one with gymnastics tonight. Guess I better get downstairs and get the house tidied up...but first that phone call to the dr.
Have a wonderfully rested and blessed day!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Our lives are so busy and full that I got an idea to have a blogspot so that all our family and friends who live MILES from us can keep up with our lives! I've found that too often I forget to tell someone something that I really wanted to share. You know, those funny child moments that have us doubled over in tears! We want to share those as well! As soon as I get the hang of this I can post pictures too, so keep us bookmarked!
Okay, funny Stephen moment.
Stephen came home from school a few weeks ago telling us he can't wait for Christmas. When we asked why, he said, "Because Christmas is the only time of the year when we can say "ho" in school and it not be a bad word!"
Kimberly's birthday was Saturday. I can't believe our baby is 2. Since then she has been demanding CAKE from the minute she wakes up until we shut off the light at night. When she learns a new word she does so with gusto!
Have a very blessed day!
Okay, funny Stephen moment.
Stephen came home from school a few weeks ago telling us he can't wait for Christmas. When we asked why, he said, "Because Christmas is the only time of the year when we can say "ho" in school and it not be a bad word!"
Kimberly's birthday was Saturday. I can't believe our baby is 2. Since then she has been demanding CAKE from the minute she wakes up until we shut off the light at night. When she learns a new word she does so with gusto!
Have a very blessed day!
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