I cannot believe after MONTHS of not being able to get on blogger, I have finally managed to fix all the problems and get back on. It all came back to when we changed internet providers and snowballed from there!
This photo became our Christmas card for 2011. The main reason why is because it so aptly captured the personality of our kids. I took this in Springfield, MO when I was picking up Kat for Christmas break at a friend's house. Chances are we won't be going that way again since she now owns her own car and can drive back and forth from school. Thankfully also, she has a daddy who is a pilot and can escort her and fly back.
This past month has been filled with trials in tribulations, which I will not go into at the present moment because I have already wasted too many hours already on this computer and I fear I've lost the children's motivation to be productive today. So, be assured this blog will be updated and hopefully pictures added so everyone can catch up in the busy lives of the Mississippi Harpers!