Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One, Singular Sensation, every little move she makes...

Veronica is 18 months old. In her short life, she has kept all of us busy. She is the only one to have 1) broken a bone; 2) swim in the toilet whenever she gets the chance; 3) put away silverware quite ingeniously (I will have to shoot a video tomorrow so I will have it to jog my memory when I am in the old folks home); 4) ride in an ambulance; and finally 5) have to stay the night in a hospital...oh wait, Katherine was born in the hospital, so she did stay two nights in the hospital because that was before they kicked everyone out at 24 hours...military hospital = 3 days!

Her most recent escapade had us all in stitches. In one of her "empty the cupboard" moments, she found a potty chair and began to cart it around. She then turned it into a game of peek-a-boo. Til the bowl got away from her! Thankfully it had been cleaned and put away after its last user was done with it...umm but Kimberly used it in a much different way!

I just wish we could figure out how to keep her out of trouble without leaving marks....I think they really discourage parents from using ropes to tie their children down!

Oh, and if any of you are wondering why I complain about this child so much....these smiles are for the camera. This is the most disagreeable, unhappy child I've ever known, well, except my friend Kim. We were due very close, but Dominic couldn't wait and came early. He, too, is a very cross and unhappy baby. Maybe it is just a July baby thing.

Monday, January 3, 2011


We drove to Texarkana on Friday, so we could attend the Koebel-Stewart wedding on the 1st in Bossier City. Amid threatening tornadoes and horrendous storms, we set out hoping to head it off before it hit, too badly. We had nothing to worry about....I've seen and drove through much worse!
Little did I know, the most challenging part of my weekend, was yet to come. I go to check in and the desk clerk informed me that some woman just came in looking for me-by name?! I hadn't told anyone we were coming as our family health has been a little unstable and I didn't know if we'd even be going until the last minute. When we left, everyone was doing fine, except I wasn't feeling well, but I figured I'd gut it out. Anyway, the strangest thing was "she" apparently said that she needed to catch up to me since I had her kids?! Weird.
We then go into the elevator...Stephen let V walk in...she promptly went over and pressed the emergency call button! Ugh! I had to run back to the front desk clerk and have her cancel it as I couldn't cancel it in the elevator. I got "the look."

Our room was cheaper than anything in Shreve/Bossier and much nicer. Clean, two queen beds and a pull out couch, with a kitchenette and big bathroom...we were in heaven! Kat and Paul weren't there as work filled their schedules, but the rest of us got a nice dinner @ Applebees and two hotel rooms--yes, I said two, because we had to switch at 9pm when Kimberly 'accidentally' locked the bathroom door and no one knew how to unlock it. After all the excitement, I decided that letting them stay up to ring in the new year wouldn't be all that bad, so we settled in our beds and turned on an old Twilight would have been so proud! When that was over, I noticed Kim & V were sound asleep, on me-and they were feverish (great!). The kids soon realized that going from 2010 11:59 to 2011 12:00 wasn't the big deal that they thought it would be and everyone said goodnight and fell fast asleep, except for the youngest two who woke up to their second wind right as the others dozed off....ahhhh, the life of mom.
The next day went smoother and we were off by plenty of time to reconnect with old friends for lunch and hit the church in time for the wedding. Grace was beautiful and revisiting with the bride's family and also the Grete's was the icing to our cake! I was so glad we'd made the effort and the kids, while a little bored as they didn't remember everyone (we did move three and a half years ago) had a good time.
Now, for the next wedding on the 8th, we're hiring a sitter, so I can actually enjoy the wedding!

Family Picture 2008

Family Picture 2008