Monday, February 8, 2010

Veronica- 6 months

It's another snow day and I'm attempting to catch up some pics off the old camera. I've been through three cameras in a month....sad, but I just can't seem to decide on one that takes as good of pictures as my Canon that died on me last year! I got a couple of Veronica on the move...six months went by quickly! I managed to get one video of her crawling and another of her standing up and letting go with one hand. I also got some pics of the kids in the snow this morning, but for some reason are not a matter of fact, they seemed to have disappeared!
Paul has been gone a lot lately. As a matter of fact, in the last month, I think he has been home only 4 days and 1 hour! This too shall pass, but it is starting to wear on all of us. Every night Kimmie asks when daddy is coming home and every morning, Stephen repeats this same question. Katie seems to bring his absensce up every time some one misbehaves, "just because dad isn't here..." Megan and Rebecca seem to relish in the inability of mom to keep seven kids supervised and under control and thereby take matters into their own hands...hands that I never trust. I left them at home to take Katherine to a friend's house as her dad was driving them to Youth Group. I was gone 15 minutes. They started a fire in the backyard! Didn't tell me about it, just ran when they heard the van pull up and "let" me discover it on my own when I walked in the house and smelled smoke! Argh! Got that put out and two girls to bed...I didn't care that it was only 5:30pm!
The next day Stephen wanted to take the baby upstairs. I said fine as long as there were no small objects in which she could choke on and that the door remain closed...guess what? Someone "forgot" they were in charge of the baby and someone "forgot" to close the door. Down Veronica tumbled...five carpeted steps. No harm done, but six kids crying and worrying about their sister was priceless. Hopefully now they will be better at looking out for her. It is hard to blame them though. She has gotten very mobile very quickly and she has even taken me by surprise. I haven't had anyone empty drawers, play with electrical cords/outlets and toilets in a very long time. I think Katherine was the last to be this "bad" about getting into trouble. Several of mine never ever paid any attention to electrical outlets at all. I haven't had to babyproof in probably 15 years (not counting stairs).

oh hour later and this is still processing! Due to the fact that this took *FOREVER* to download. I will post the crawling video later!

Family Picture 2008

Family Picture 2008