So my birthday was the beginning of August, but Paul's schedule has been a bear so we just went out tonight. P.F. Changs was introduced to me back in May when my sisters suggested we dine there one night when I was visiting (remember, me alone!). A few months back, I happened to be in Memphis and noticed one there...around the corner from a Cold Stone Creamery, so Paul was happy and so was I!
School is going excellent for Katherine. Thus far she has all A's and is loving school. Choir is going well. She has the choir retreat next Saturday with a bowl-a-thon in the morning (this is the first fundraiser for the New York trip that the upper classmen get to take this year). The next one I've managed to get myself in charge of :) A candle fundraiser, so if anyone reading this wants to buy any of the home interiors candles, just let me know...these are really great candles for just $7!
Megan started out very well, but is quickly dissolving back into bad habits. I fielded a phone call Friday from her English teacher about her not returning work to school. Thus far, she too has good grades, but that may change if she doesn't get her butt in gear! I told her I would remove her from choir if I received one more notice of no homework. That ended in a puddle of hysterical tears as she told me I just added more to her already bad day. Girls and their drama! A new friend this year is already playing the, "I'm not your friend anymore" crap. I just told Megan that apparently she isn't a good friend as good friends don't do that. We'll see if that holds up.
Becca seems to be good at laying around and not doing ANYTHING! She is driving me batty...that girl needs some serious internal motivation. I know she is angry with us about not being able to do gymnastics, but there isn't much we can do about that. When she does put her mind to it, she is doing all 100% work...but the motivation issue is definitely a problem.
Stephen is doing well in his studies and is a hard, dedicated worker. Motivation is NOT a problem for him and if anything everytime he starts to get bored, he just goes and looks to see what else he can do...ON HIS OWN!
Lauren and Kimberly have had a difficult few weeks. Kim had laryngitis for about three days and a 101.3 temp to boot. That cleared up with little after-affects. Lauren has had a runny nose and cough for about a week,, then shot a 102.3 temp on Tuesday. It only lasted about 6-8 hours and was gone. Also ran over to Walgreen's and got some tylenol with runny nose & cough meds and that is working just perfectly. Sometimes it is just a pain to find the one med that works on your child and nothing had been working on her at all. I had her in the peds office on Monday and had antibiotics prescribed "just in case" she worsened. Funny enough we filled it and gave her one dose Monday night as she looked miserable and was coughing horribly with thick green mucus. Tuesday she awoke with the fever so I made sure we continued. I was trying to even think the last time the kids were on antibiotics and I couldn't even remember....we've been healthier!!!!!!!!!!!
I started in with the sore throat a few days ago and it is unchanged, so I am hoping that I won't get the ear infection, brochitis, pertussis infection stuff that seems to be rotating thru the kids. Stephen is the only one now that hasn't gotten any of this....that boy has the immune system of steel!
With Gustav on the way, we've opened our home to another Catholic family that we knew when we lived in Shreveport, so it may get a little crowded around here....we'll see. They are in Hattiesburg, MS now so I don't know if they will be getting evacuated yet or not. I know she is waiting to see if their town will be included in the evacuation order. They have three so we can easily absorb them into this huge house!
Well, I'm glad I could post an update. The only other thing I left off is Katherine celebrated her 15th birthday by going bowling. I actually took our whole brood and Shelby (a friend of Katherine's) out to a bowling alley and then pizza at Cici's.
Lauren celebrated her 7th birthday with just us and an ice cream cake as everyone has been so sick I didn't want to expose anyone to anything until we are all better.
We did get to say goodbye to some wonderful friends this week. Lauren was so sad that her friend Katie was leaving--they were like two peas in a pod! It will be nice for Katie's whole family to be back together again. Dad got a job in Texas and they majority of the family staying behind here to sell the house. We all know how the real estate is moving these days, so it has taken them awhile to "get their ducks in a row" and make it possible for them to all be together. I rejoice with them as I know how truly blessed they are! Although I will miss my kindred spirit!
(oh, BTW, my mom sent some pics of her party the end of May and there was actually a halfway decent pic of me so I finally could add it to my blog)!
We are a loving, generous Catholic family! We believe that children learn what they live and in that endeavor we are deeply committed to raising healthy, happy God fearing/ loving children. Our Catholic faith is the center of who we are and what we do. Homeschooling allows us the time to be the primary influence in our children's lives. "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers in example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim 4
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Back to school!
Our home computer crashed and two days later the kids went back to school! Katherine is a sophomore this year and loves all her teachers. I think she will actually get challenged this year! Megan is a little sad and lonely as actually ALL of her friends from last year aren't in any of her classes. She likes her classes, but misses her friends. And as opposed to when I went to school, the kids have assigned seats at lunch based on their class before lunch, so they can't eat wherever they want. Very strict and restrictive, but it keeps everyone out of trouble.
We also started the homeschool year and it seems to be going crazy! They all want to work NOW and no one wants to wait their turn for their "work time with mom" on their schedule. As far as Kimberly goes, we have all been able to keep her occupied so she hasn't gotten into too much trouble...except for the marker all over her face on Friday!
Well, my time to blog is limited as I have to catch the laptop free now (when Paul happens to be in town).
We also started the homeschool year and it seems to be going crazy! They all want to work NOW and no one wants to wait their turn for their "work time with mom" on their schedule. As far as Kimberly goes, we have all been able to keep her occupied so she hasn't gotten into too much trouble...except for the marker all over her face on Friday!
Well, my time to blog is limited as I have to catch the laptop free now (when Paul happens to be in town).
Monday, August 4, 2008
Full Social Calendar
We've had a busy weekend. It started Friday when I met up with some other homeschool moms & kids for a playdate. We ended up with an extra for the night and the kids were WIRED because mommy forgot the no caffeine rule and the kids had pizza and coke for dinner! Paul crashed about 8 that night as he had only a few hours of sleep...I was up until midnight trying to get everyone to just put their heads on their pillows!
Saturday we took Becca's friend home and then went across the street for the neighbor's kids birthday party. A swimming party that exhausted my whole bunch...lots of fruit, chips and cake were to be had and Saturday night everyone fell fast asleep VERY QUICKLY!
Sunday was Mass at St. Paul's and doughnuts afterwards. Funny how good the kids are once a month when they know doughnuts will be served! Met a few new people and got to speak with Fr. Ben for awhile. It is nice to feel so welcome in this community...never had that before!
Stopped off at Sams for groceries and it was off to home. I crashed for a few hours, as did the kids and Paul. I think we all had a sleep deficit.
Sunday evening we had a birthday party at the most pictoresque property in town! It took us about 30 minutes to get there. G. was having a bday party for one of her boys at her parent's property. They had a little lake that the kids loved being in. They had a little 2 person paddle boat, which managed to fit about 9 kids on it at a time...didn't stay afloat as high, but they DID fit! At one point Lauren had been "bad" and put the anchor on the boat (which the parents had removed for safety). Paul (wading into the water) asked Stephen to bring it back as he was paddling. Mr. little brilliant decided that paddling the boat back would take too much time, so what did he do? He picked it up, wrapping all the ropes around himself (he thought this was funny) and jumped off the boat in an attempt to "swim" back to shore....daddy saved him and the rest of the adults onshore were just laughing hysterically. The Lake wasn't very deep, but Stephen did go under....and the anchor wasn't too heavy...mercy me! The kids were so exhausted, they fell asleep on the way home in the van!
Today, Paul had to hit the dentist, Megan had her final testing with Sylvan and Katie has a hair appointment. School starts on Thursday, so we are trying to get everything done in the next few days!
Saturday we took Becca's friend home and then went across the street for the neighbor's kids birthday party. A swimming party that exhausted my whole bunch...lots of fruit, chips and cake were to be had and Saturday night everyone fell fast asleep VERY QUICKLY!
Sunday was Mass at St. Paul's and doughnuts afterwards. Funny how good the kids are once a month when they know doughnuts will be served! Met a few new people and got to speak with Fr. Ben for awhile. It is nice to feel so welcome in this community...never had that before!
Stopped off at Sams for groceries and it was off to home. I crashed for a few hours, as did the kids and Paul. I think we all had a sleep deficit.
Sunday evening we had a birthday party at the most pictoresque property in town! It took us about 30 minutes to get there. G. was having a bday party for one of her boys at her parent's property. They had a little lake that the kids loved being in. They had a little 2 person paddle boat, which managed to fit about 9 kids on it at a time...didn't stay afloat as high, but they DID fit! At one point Lauren had been "bad" and put the anchor on the boat (which the parents had removed for safety). Paul (wading into the water) asked Stephen to bring it back as he was paddling. Mr. little brilliant decided that paddling the boat back would take too much time, so what did he do? He picked it up, wrapping all the ropes around himself (he thought this was funny) and jumped off the boat in an attempt to "swim" back to shore....daddy saved him and the rest of the adults onshore were just laughing hysterically. The Lake wasn't very deep, but Stephen did go under....and the anchor wasn't too heavy...mercy me! The kids were so exhausted, they fell asleep on the way home in the van!
Today, Paul had to hit the dentist, Megan had her final testing with Sylvan and Katie has a hair appointment. School starts on Thursday, so we are trying to get everything done in the next few days!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Good Mom story
Checking email this morning, I received this and thought it good enough to keep it for eternity by pasting it into my blog; enjoy!
Notes from a Disciple Mom
A man came to our house to fix things. He had been out on sick leave for a while. What we thought was back surgery was actually the removal of a diseased colon. He had many problems, blockages and hard adjustments. He sat down to rest and taught me a valuable mom lesson. He said there were seven kids in his family and his dad never told them they were not capable of doing something. He started welding when he was 12, and accomplished many projects that he was sure must have surprised his dad. Now, six of the seven owned their own businesses and the seventh was a computer geek at a university. That day I called my two older kids who had graduated from college and lived on different coasts. I encouraged them where they were feeling weak or stretched. I spread it around at my high school junior and my 2 middle schoolers. When the chance presented itself, I encouraged my lst grader who was finding learning to read fluently difficult. I looked at the daughter who was in competitive gymnastics. She had coaches who looked for weak spots. My job was to love and see the fabulous. Sympathy, hugs, and an understanding heart were just as important as words.
Something happened as I sought opportunities to encourage. I became a carrier of Christ...a messenger of hope and joy. Looking for good things made me see good things in myself, even when I made mistakes.
We are not our mistakes. No one is. Someone told me that when I find myself making a mistake, or committing that same sin that featured in my last confession or when it seems I'm not being the mom or wife I want to be, don't think of it as failing. Think of it as practicing. It made me laugh when I thought of the term practicing catholic. That is just what I am. God bless you all, my DJM brothers and sisters. Notes from a DJM mom.
Something happened as I sought opportunities to encourage. I became a carrier of Christ...a messenger of hope and joy. Looking for good things made me see good things in myself, even when I made mistakes.
We are not our mistakes. No one is. Someone told me that when I find myself making a mistake, or committing that same sin that featured in my last confession or when it seems I'm not being the mom or wife I want to be, don't think of it as failing. Think of it as practicing. It made me laugh when I thought of the term practicing catholic. That is just what I am. God bless you all, my DJM brothers and sisters. Notes from a DJM mom.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Williams girls!
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