So what do you do when the temp is over 100 and you live in the south?
I tried to go out and do some gardening the other day....20 minutes later I was exhausted and sweat was pouring into my was 8:30 in the morning! Needless to say, we aren't getting much done outside and the inside is lookin' pretty ratty since everyone is so shack wacky from so much time indoors (and you just can't push the temp down on the thermometer or the bill goes thru the roof).
Last Saturday, we attended the annual ice cream social with the Blessed Sacrament homeschool group. Of course we've only been here one year, so for us it is a new "tradition." The kids pigged out on mostly whipped cream :-) but also enjoyed swimming at the host's home with LOADS of other kids. I love the connection that all these parents and kids share, it is a wonderful thing to behold...not something you see in your typical Walmart excursion. Kimberly braved the rocky waters not once, but about five times and then decided she wanted to go down the slide...the very steep, high slide. Mommy thought better of this and pulled her off the slide three or four times before someone slipped past her knocking her off the last three rungs...landing head first onto concrete. Do you think that stopped her....NO. That child screamed for ten minutes and then was right back trying to get up the rungs. It probably wouldn't be so bad if she just went down, but she kept climbing up, only to look down, get scared and climb back down...back and forth, back and forth! I had enough and said "time to go!" Everyone was so tired and cross they bickered continuously until their heads were on their pillows on their beds...they fell fast asleep within 30 minutes of us walking in the house. It wasn't even very late; we got home at 8:15pm!
Paul got home Saturday night about 11 and then had to turn around and leave earlier this afternoon. He will be gone again until Friday. This time he is just in Omaha doing his military job. Hopefully he will have some time off when he gets back so he can help with back to school stuff.
I took Katherine shopping at our brand new Target! Then Paul bawled me out for spending money!!!!!!! OOps! Back to school means money, sorry, honey! Be glad we homeschool three and one is too young for any of this yet! But lets face it, high school is expensive! Especially schools that have strict dress codes. Since she can't wear shorts, she will have to wear some lightweight pants, and guess what her backside has outgrown????? I only got her one pair of jeans and two pairs of capris, a dress and several tops (all of which conform to their strict rules and her figure). It is so funny to see these styles that I wore in highschool back in stores. I'm still waiting on the neon colors though...
Megan has been down with some kind of cold thing....but I will have to take her in as it just isn't relenting. It seems to be getting worse, so I'd better be prepared to awaken early; these same day appointments mean I have to rise at the crack of dawn to make an appointment...which isn't bad if they are in school as I am already up then, but during summer, that is a different issue.
This week some other homeschoolers in the area and I are participating in Vacation Bible school....Catholic homeschool style. The kids did so well today; I am so impressed. I'll have to get some pics of their hard working days (I think I have to rely on a kind mother or two to email me pics)>>>hint, hint!
Have a very blessed day!
We are a loving, generous Catholic family! We believe that children learn what they live and in that endeavor we are deeply committed to raising healthy, happy God fearing/ loving children. Our Catholic faith is the center of who we are and what we do. Homeschooling allows us the time to be the primary influence in our children's lives. "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers in example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim 4
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Long lost B-52 fame...
I just found this...
Paul & kids were in the local paper one year ago when he retired from his job in Louisiana. You can find the original story and picture at:
Also, here are some amazing pics of the B-52 (don't know why the hyperlink didn't stick; just cut and paste):
I can't believe he used to fly those huge things!
When someone asks if I'm scared that my husband flies for a living, I say "no." But, when he was carrying loaded bombs, the answer was, "I try not to think about it!"
Paul & kids were in the local paper one year ago when he retired from his job in Louisiana. You can find the original story and picture at:
Also, here are some amazing pics of the B-52 (don't know why the hyperlink didn't stick; just cut and paste):
I can't believe he used to fly those huge things!
When someone asks if I'm scared that my husband flies for a living, I say "no." But, when he was carrying loaded bombs, the answer was, "I try not to think about it!"

Ballerina triplets

Okay, so my digital camera has been on the fritz for awhile and I've just been developing disposable cameras as I get to them. Well, here is a photo of Lauren and her friends, L. and M.G. at their ballet recital back in May. Notice the "no frills" costumes! I love this ballet teacher for this reason. The girls performed "Swan Lake" and they did a fabulous job. I was surprised to see so many kids (I think it was over 200) AND the age range from 3-mid teens.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We ordered new lights from a lighting store in the next town over. They called to say they were in and since the blueberry farm is just a mile from there, I took the kids and got our annual trip out of the way at the same time! We took two neighbor girls with us as they had stayed the night. When we were in Shreveport, the blueberry farm charged $1.10/lb. This farm is organic so their fee was $11/gallon...we filled a little over four gallons!
Kimberly probably ate her weight in blueberries. She had quite the "explosion" later on in the day. It looked like she'd eaten purple coffee grounds!!!!!!! She didn't seem to be fazed by it at all!
I've been busy cooking and freezing them ever since. Megan made blueberry smoothies for breakfast this morning. I'm sure everyone will be sick of them within the week! My favorite recipe for blueberry muffins is called Health Nut Blueberry Muffins and the recipe is at
Hope everyone is staying cool. Megan is a little under the weather with a throat thing. I'm thinking strep as she got out of the pool at the Y yesterday as she said she wasn't feeling well. I found her laying down by her locker in the locker room...probably not the most sanitary place! She came home and went straight to was only 7pm! I'd better go check on her and get on the others for chores.
Kimberly probably ate her weight in blueberries. She had quite the "explosion" later on in the day. It looked like she'd eaten purple coffee grounds!!!!!!! She didn't seem to be fazed by it at all!
I've been busy cooking and freezing them ever since. Megan made blueberry smoothies for breakfast this morning. I'm sure everyone will be sick of them within the week! My favorite recipe for blueberry muffins is called Health Nut Blueberry Muffins and the recipe is at
Hope everyone is staying cool. Megan is a little under the weather with a throat thing. I'm thinking strep as she got out of the pool at the Y yesterday as she said she wasn't feeling well. I found her laying down by her locker in the locker room...probably not the most sanitary place! She came home and went straight to was only 7pm! I'd better go check on her and get on the others for chores.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Steubenville Mid-America!
How many times can you say you've seem a 'glimmer' of heaven? I used to worry a lot about the state of our country, where we were heading and who was going to run it...but not anymore! Katherine, Megan and I returned from Springfield, MO where we attended a Catholic teen youth retreat. It was amazing!
It was, dare I say, obnoxiously loud, BUT the inspiration and revelation were incredible. On the last day, they called out to those young men and women who felt they could possibly have a calling to religious life...I suppose about 150 people total, ran--not walked to the stage. I've never seen so many teens living for God!
Yes, they did have moments when the music spurred them into an irreverent frenzy, but when the Blessed Sacrament was processed through the auditorium (3 levels) and then left for Benediction on the altar, there was not a dry eye anywhere. Some kids were on their knees, some on their noses, some standing with arms outstretched as Jesus passed them. I was touched beyond words.
Katherine said it was the most amazing experience in her life. Megan, although hated the loudness of it, enjoyed it and can't wait until next year. She went forward during the 'altar call,' so PLEASE offer prayers for her vocation. We would be pleased as punch if she became a sister!
This was a retreat where you really did HEAR God, loud and clear.
Both girls are also now excited about college. We stayed in the dorms at Missouri State U and it was a "warm up" for them as to what college was kind of like. Several workshops were held in the student union, so they got to walk thru there, pick thru the bookstore, and eat at a college cafeteria...can anyone say "extra 20 lbs. by senior year?" The way mine pigged out on junk food and soda astonished me!
We made it home Sunday night before bedtime, so the younger ones got to hug and kiss us to death. Kimberly tried to tell me everything that had transpired since I'd left Friday morning...of course her two year old speak isn't very clear, so it sounded more like, "mumble, mumble daddy akgha grjgha pizza, I din-t do it, Becca hot owside excdrvftgbnhujimk,ol mumble." She followed me around as I helped the others to unpack and get laundry sorted, hugs, kisses and bed!
Becca has a case of poison ivy. She told me last night it was a sunburn, but I didn't think so and gave her some benadryl last night and had her wash with the Technu. This morning it did definitely look like poison ivy, but it didn't look as bad as it had last night and is pretty much on her right ear, neck, cheek and both eyes...but no swelling and just pinkish. Her cheek looks more like rough bumps...kinda sandpaperish.
Oh, and we FINALLY have air conditioning upstairs! Yeah! We finally got someone out last week who replaced the coil. After 13 months of no air up here, it sure feels good! Stephen and Megan can finally sleep in their rooms again! It had been so hot here lately that I'd kicked Megan into Katherine's room and Stephen onto the livingroom couch.
After harrassing the kids all morning to complete room duties, five loads of laundry and two dishwashing loads I've reclaimed my house....guess I should be glad I was only gone for 2.5 days! I'm not going to go there.....
Hope you all enjoy the rest of July!
It was, dare I say, obnoxiously loud, BUT the inspiration and revelation were incredible. On the last day, they called out to those young men and women who felt they could possibly have a calling to religious life...I suppose about 150 people total, ran--not walked to the stage. I've never seen so many teens living for God!
Yes, they did have moments when the music spurred them into an irreverent frenzy, but when the Blessed Sacrament was processed through the auditorium (3 levels) and then left for Benediction on the altar, there was not a dry eye anywhere. Some kids were on their knees, some on their noses, some standing with arms outstretched as Jesus passed them. I was touched beyond words.
Katherine said it was the most amazing experience in her life. Megan, although hated the loudness of it, enjoyed it and can't wait until next year. She went forward during the 'altar call,' so PLEASE offer prayers for her vocation. We would be pleased as punch if she became a sister!
This was a retreat where you really did HEAR God, loud and clear.
Both girls are also now excited about college. We stayed in the dorms at Missouri State U and it was a "warm up" for them as to what college was kind of like. Several workshops were held in the student union, so they got to walk thru there, pick thru the bookstore, and eat at a college cafeteria...can anyone say "extra 20 lbs. by senior year?" The way mine pigged out on junk food and soda astonished me!
We made it home Sunday night before bedtime, so the younger ones got to hug and kiss us to death. Kimberly tried to tell me everything that had transpired since I'd left Friday morning...of course her two year old speak isn't very clear, so it sounded more like, "mumble, mumble daddy akgha grjgha pizza, I din-t do it, Becca hot owside excdrvftgbnhujimk,ol mumble." She followed me around as I helped the others to unpack and get laundry sorted, hugs, kisses and bed!
Becca has a case of poison ivy. She told me last night it was a sunburn, but I didn't think so and gave her some benadryl last night and had her wash with the Technu. This morning it did definitely look like poison ivy, but it didn't look as bad as it had last night and is pretty much on her right ear, neck, cheek and both eyes...but no swelling and just pinkish. Her cheek looks more like rough bumps...kinda sandpaperish.
Oh, and we FINALLY have air conditioning upstairs! Yeah! We finally got someone out last week who replaced the coil. After 13 months of no air up here, it sure feels good! Stephen and Megan can finally sleep in their rooms again! It had been so hot here lately that I'd kicked Megan into Katherine's room and Stephen onto the livingroom couch.
After harrassing the kids all morning to complete room duties, five loads of laundry and two dishwashing loads I've reclaimed my house....guess I should be glad I was only gone for 2.5 days! I'm not going to go there.....
Hope you all enjoy the rest of July!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The other day I was trying to explain the difference between tattling and necessary "telling." I basically boiled it down to, "if someone is in mortal danger, whether physical or spiritual, you may tell only after you have given them a warning telling them that mom or dad is the next one to hear about it.
Megan seemed to have a hard time with this concept (as no one is surprised). She begins naming off situations from jumping off the roof to playing in mom's sewing room. She has such a hard time figuring consequences, it does not come naturally to this child.
On the 4th she decided to walk away from the group and we all spent another 30 minutes looking for her and found her at the stage, grooving out to the music. I was about 10 paces from the police wagon when I got Paul's phone call. I am truly worried about this child's future. She doesn't "get it."
I spent the other day looking up convent schools, to only find one or two in the US that are boarding schools. I keep thinking if she became a nun then she would be safer. She has this blind naivete that has never changed. She doesn't learn from past mistakes, but then again, she is rarely hurt. For an example, she's never fallen out of a tree. When she was four or five, the tree she was sitting atop was beginning to bend her down to earth. I was hugely pregnant with Stephen and went running for the door and by the time I made it out, she was calmly standing next to the tree asking me why I was worried. "Mommy, didn't you know I have three guardian angels looking after me?"
This unlike Katherine who was usually injured during the mission to retrieve cookies from the top of the fridge, leaping headfirst down a slide, covering the bathroom in soap, walking around the house with a bucket on the head, and many face and tile incidents. This child bled more than a stuck pig in the first five years of her life!
Megan's trysts do seem to injure those around her though. Like the time I had to rush home from the store because Kimberly had awoken from her nap early (or Megan got her up to play with her, I never got a correct answer to that question) and Megan slipped on the stairs and Kimberly fell down head first all the way down onto the tile entry. She survived and Megan was hysterically remorseful. I had hoped that lesson burned into her mind, but these events are very rare (thankfully).
Hopefully, as she grows older she will come to some realization that evil exists, pain and injury exists...if not for her sake, but for those around her.
Megan seemed to have a hard time with this concept (as no one is surprised). She begins naming off situations from jumping off the roof to playing in mom's sewing room. She has such a hard time figuring consequences, it does not come naturally to this child.
On the 4th she decided to walk away from the group and we all spent another 30 minutes looking for her and found her at the stage, grooving out to the music. I was about 10 paces from the police wagon when I got Paul's phone call. I am truly worried about this child's future. She doesn't "get it."
I spent the other day looking up convent schools, to only find one or two in the US that are boarding schools. I keep thinking if she became a nun then she would be safer. She has this blind naivete that has never changed. She doesn't learn from past mistakes, but then again, she is rarely hurt. For an example, she's never fallen out of a tree. When she was four or five, the tree she was sitting atop was beginning to bend her down to earth. I was hugely pregnant with Stephen and went running for the door and by the time I made it out, she was calmly standing next to the tree asking me why I was worried. "Mommy, didn't you know I have three guardian angels looking after me?"
This unlike Katherine who was usually injured during the mission to retrieve cookies from the top of the fridge, leaping headfirst down a slide, covering the bathroom in soap, walking around the house with a bucket on the head, and many face and tile incidents. This child bled more than a stuck pig in the first five years of her life!
Megan's trysts do seem to injure those around her though. Like the time I had to rush home from the store because Kimberly had awoken from her nap early (or Megan got her up to play with her, I never got a correct answer to that question) and Megan slipped on the stairs and Kimberly fell down head first all the way down onto the tile entry. She survived and Megan was hysterically remorseful. I had hoped that lesson burned into her mind, but these events are very rare (thankfully).
Hopefully, as she grows older she will come to some realization that evil exists, pain and injury exists...if not for her sake, but for those around her.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Just a quick funny
I've been busy today trying to get my house to look less chaotic, which is an undertaking when you are in the midst of remodeling...but I digress. I was busy cleaning & polishing my antique buffet when I heard the kids playing Sorry! in the living room (everything is covered in a thick layer of drywall mud dust).
Stephen: Lauren, you can't go that way, you can only go that way!
Lauren: (loud high pitched whine) Stephen, I can go any way I want!
Me: If you all cannot maintain normal inside voices then you are going to have to put the game away.
Stephen: Lauren, she means you! (loud and bossy)
Lauren: (still loud high pitched whine) Stephen!!!!!!!!!!
before I could say anything....
Stephen: Lauren can't help it; she wasn't born with an inside voice.
me: giggling in the kitchen & Lauren is whining, "mommmm"
Stephen: Lauren, you can't go that way, you can only go that way!
Lauren: (loud high pitched whine) Stephen, I can go any way I want!
Me: If you all cannot maintain normal inside voices then you are going to have to put the game away.
Stephen: Lauren, she means you! (loud and bossy)
Lauren: (still loud high pitched whine) Stephen!!!!!!!!!!
before I could say anything....
Stephen: Lauren can't help it; she wasn't born with an inside voice.
me: giggling in the kitchen & Lauren is whining, "mommmm"
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Festivities for the 4th
Our little town is so much fun! We planned to go down to the City Park and have a small picnic with some neighbors. We were in for a huge surprise. They had a stage with band and the local "famous" singers, 4 blow up bouncy type things and the rock climbing wall...all free! There were also about ten booths for food. At 9 they set off a wonderful fireworks show and we had front row seats and NOT crowded at that. It was a spectacular show for 45 minutes! We got home at 10:05 and everyone was crawling into bed, fully exhausted! The kids had a blast and we decided to make this a yearly ritual...hope you all had a great 4th!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Megan's birthday!

Let's see the blond in the left corner (you can barely see his face) is Nick (Kimmy's friend), brother to Ana and Caitlyn, the next two kids. After them it looks like Becca, Katherine is leaning over getting something out of the cooler, Evangeline is standing in the Hawaiian print swimsuit, then Morgan, Logan--walking past(he is Nick, Ana, & Caitlyn's brother), Megan, Lauren and Taylor.

Megan opening her gifts. I think Becca is behind her and Ana (another neighbor friend) is in the orange and yellow swimsuit.

Thanks for reading!
Happy July 4th!
July 4th, YEAH!
This has been a busy summer for us! The gardening bug has bitten and we have been outside almost every morning weeding and planting. My friend and neighbor, Lorrie, has blessed us with about a hundred Vinca seedlings! I used some in our flower bed and then took the lot over to the in-laws since they have a beautifully landscaped terraced backyard and nothing is flowering at the moment. They've had their house on the market for 3 weeks and have only showed it once! My m-i-l is getting very discouraged. I hope the flowers help to perk the place up a bit.
Lorrie has also taught me how to crochet. Paul seems to think it is a waste of time....he'll look at my block of work and say, "so what is it?" Not funny! I don't know what it is, but for now I am just practicing the one stitch I know!
The afternoons have been spent at the YMCA. I have some pics somewhere of the kids swimming, but I've lost the memory card to my camera and I have no earthly idea where it is! I've been able to get in a workout before the kids go swimming. It has been a nice way to beat the heat! It has been in the 90s here and doesn't look like it will cool off anytime soon. The library's reading program has also been a big hit for three of the kids this year. Stephen and Lauren have already read 15 books and Becca is on number 10. They picked up their backpacks last week.
The heat has lent itself to some benefit. I no longer need my dryer! I can easily get three loads done a day, as long as we don't forget about it. Katherine has been a big help with staying on top of that. She's the only one tall enough to hang everything. We don't exactly have a laundry line, it is more of a zip line that one of the previous owners used; so it is a little too high for the younger ones to reach.
Megan and I made salmon patties for dinner the other night. I was so surprised that everyone loved them! We just took 2 cans of canned salmon (tried to get as many bones out as I could), 3 beaten eggs, 1/2 c. water, 1/2 c. dry milk (we've switched to using dry milk for recipes), 2 c. crushed saltines (about 50), 1 Tbs. lemon juice, 2 tsp. worceshire, 1 Tbs. sugar, 2Tbs. diced fresh onion (1 Tbs. dried), 1/8 tsp. pepper. squish it all together, form into patties and fry. My kids loved these (recipe courtesy of!!!!!!!!!!
Our church picnic was last Sunday and the kids had so much fun! The oldest three entered the cake contest, but no one won. Even the judges were surprised to see over 30 entries (they probably got sick after trying all those cakes and pies)! They had the jumping and sliding things, along with balloon blowing up contests, and lots and lots of food!!!!!!!!! I think we were full for two days!
Hope you all are having a glorious summer! It will be over in a start back Aug. 7!
This has been a busy summer for us! The gardening bug has bitten and we have been outside almost every morning weeding and planting. My friend and neighbor, Lorrie, has blessed us with about a hundred Vinca seedlings! I used some in our flower bed and then took the lot over to the in-laws since they have a beautifully landscaped terraced backyard and nothing is flowering at the moment. They've had their house on the market for 3 weeks and have only showed it once! My m-i-l is getting very discouraged. I hope the flowers help to perk the place up a bit.
Lorrie has also taught me how to crochet. Paul seems to think it is a waste of time....he'll look at my block of work and say, "so what is it?" Not funny! I don't know what it is, but for now I am just practicing the one stitch I know!
The afternoons have been spent at the YMCA. I have some pics somewhere of the kids swimming, but I've lost the memory card to my camera and I have no earthly idea where it is! I've been able to get in a workout before the kids go swimming. It has been a nice way to beat the heat! It has been in the 90s here and doesn't look like it will cool off anytime soon. The library's reading program has also been a big hit for three of the kids this year. Stephen and Lauren have already read 15 books and Becca is on number 10. They picked up their backpacks last week.
The heat has lent itself to some benefit. I no longer need my dryer! I can easily get three loads done a day, as long as we don't forget about it. Katherine has been a big help with staying on top of that. She's the only one tall enough to hang everything. We don't exactly have a laundry line, it is more of a zip line that one of the previous owners used; so it is a little too high for the younger ones to reach.
Megan and I made salmon patties for dinner the other night. I was so surprised that everyone loved them! We just took 2 cans of canned salmon (tried to get as many bones out as I could), 3 beaten eggs, 1/2 c. water, 1/2 c. dry milk (we've switched to using dry milk for recipes), 2 c. crushed saltines (about 50), 1 Tbs. lemon juice, 2 tsp. worceshire, 1 Tbs. sugar, 2Tbs. diced fresh onion (1 Tbs. dried), 1/8 tsp. pepper. squish it all together, form into patties and fry. My kids loved these (recipe courtesy of!!!!!!!!!!
Our church picnic was last Sunday and the kids had so much fun! The oldest three entered the cake contest, but no one won. Even the judges were surprised to see over 30 entries (they probably got sick after trying all those cakes and pies)! They had the jumping and sliding things, along with balloon blowing up contests, and lots and lots of food!!!!!!!!! I think we were full for two days!
Hope you all are having a glorious summer! It will be over in a start back Aug. 7!
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