We are a loving, generous Catholic family! We believe that children learn what they live and in that endeavor we are deeply committed to raising healthy, happy God fearing/ loving children. Our Catholic faith is the center of who we are and what we do. Homeschooling allows us the time to be the primary influence in our children's lives. "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers in example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim 4
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Kids in the week
1. Kimberly now says her full name...."Kimburee Rose HARpur", then she dissolves into a puddle of giggles. When you ask how old she is she puts her hand to her chest and says, "Kimmee." Rebecca is now trying to teach her Spanish as well. So far she has "Hola!" and "rojo."
2. Rebecca has been the little social butterfly and very helpful around the house. She is quick to pitch in and help me clean...when it suits her. but being given the priviledge of playing with neighbors has inspired a lot of incentive! This week she likes Lauren and let her move in with her...cleaned and rearranged her whole room just for this extra visitor! she's also been doing flashcards with Kimberly and Lauren and often helps Lauren with her math.
3. I took a trip up to Megan's school to talk to the guidance counselor, you see, when we started with Sylvan they sent letters to the guidance counselors asking for their help in tutoring Megan. (I have copies of these letters) They asked that the counselors forward information onto Megan's teachers regarding a survey of her strengths and weaknesses and help with what they are studying so that Sylvan can best meet Megan's needs. When Paul met with Megan's teachers, they had no clue she was at Sylvan and said, "have them tell us whatever they need and we will fax it over to them." Six weeks down the drain!
I went into the guidance office and have never met such a disgruntled person in my life. She had the gall to tell me Sylvan never sent anything. She never looked anything up, offered to talk to the other counselor...nothing! She just sat there looking at me and insisting that they didn't do as they said. I told her I had copies of the letters and she didn't even reach to look at them, just insisted that I was wrong! I was so annoyed! I left there and made sure the front office knew about Mrs. Sacco's behavior towards me! I called Paul and he called Sylvan to get a copy of everything they sent to the school...we picked it up and took it directly into Megan's teacher so hopefully we will get some more directed tutoring now! Not that she wasn't doing better without this info, but it should help...in addition to her new "brain" pills. Yes, we broke down and put her back on meds. It seems the only thing that truly helps her to concentrate, organize and stay on task. All our dietary changes, therapies, and supplements are not helping 100%....only about 40%. A lot of the brain issues are still not being affected. She seems to be doing much better and we've all seen a marked difference in her ability to stay on task!
4. Katherine's choir "stuff" is now all finally settled and we all decided it best that she stay with the second year choir for one more year. She was devastated, but her maturity level demands another year at a lower level. Several days have past and she is now adjusting to that decision. She will be performing at a Solo concert on Tuesday and she is very excited about it!
5. Stephen was just shot with a pellet gun at a friend's house yesterday. Paul and I were on a date when my phone rings in Office Depot (Memphis is having a tax free day and Paul promised me a lap top this year...seemed like the perfect opportunity, plus the sales they were having were huge!). Here is how the conversation goes...remember everyone standing around us only hears my end:
Megan, Hi mom, Stephen has to talk to you, he got shot with a gun...(very nonchalant about it).
Mom, A gun! What are you talking about? Where? What?...
Megan, oh, don't worry it was an automatic....
Mom, an automatic gun???? Where is Stephen?
Megan, Here he is
Megan passes the phone to a sobbing Stephen...
Mom, Stephen, Stephen, you are going to have to stop crying so hard I can't understand you! Now, where were you?
Stephen...D's house (had a discussion about not leaving the house when mom & dad are gone and what D exactly did).
Mom, what kind of gun was this?
Stephen, a automatic (AGAIN WITH THE AUTOMATIC!)
Mom, what do you mean an automatic?
Stephen, a hunting gun
Mom, WHAT! Why did D have an autmatic hunting gun! Where are his parents?
Stephen, Mom the bullets are plastic, not metal
Mom, Oh, so it was a pellet gun! Okay, where are you shot?
Stephen, on my foot and knee
Mom, is there blood?
Stephen, no, but it has a bad bruise
Mom, Okay, well we will be home in 20 minutes. Go put some ice on it until I get home...
Hang up, look around and notice everyone looking at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much for our date!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
After a long hard day at school, we were taking a break out back when we realized we couldn't find Kimberly. After much desperate searching we found her here in the classroom! Now we are off to join Stephen and Paul at the campsite...I didn't want to be camping in all that rain yesterday!
Have a very blessed day!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Only for today...
1) Only for today, I will seek to live the livelong day positively without wishing to solve the problems of my life all at once.
2) Only for today, I will take the greatest care of my appearance: I will dress modestly; I will not raise my voice; I will be courteous in my behavior; I will not criticize anyone.
3) Only for today, I will be happy in the certainty that I was created to be happy, not only in the other world but also in this one.
4) Only for today, I will adapt to circumstances, without my requiring all circumstances to be adapted to my own wishes.
5) Only for today, I will devote ten minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul.
6) Only for today, I will do one good deed and not tell anyone about it.
7) Only for today, I will do at least one thing I do not like doing; and if my feelings are hurt, I will make sure that no one notices.
8) Only for today, I will make a plan for myself; I may not follow it to the letter, but I will make it. And I will be on guard against two evils: hastiness and indecision.
9) Only for today, I will firmly believe, despite appearances, that the good Providence of God cares for me as no one else who exists in this world.
10) Only for today, I will have no fears. In particular, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe in goodness.
Indeed, for twelve hours I can certainly do what might cause me consternation were I to believe I had to do it all my life.
More bad news...
The piano thing was an ordeal that I am glad to be on the other side of. The kids do seem to be suffering, still, but they will get over it. I may look into trying to get someone to come to the house so we don't have to drive. I'm waiting until later though, for now they are all each other's teachers.
Megan still can't seem to get it through her head that homework is something important that needs to be written down and followed thru with AND packed into the backpack and taken to school! Paul talks of bringing her home next year, but I fail to see where that would help her. This is something she will have to accomplish and soon! Homeschooling her will not help her with these endeavors and they are things that she has to know to do for the rest of her life. I knew none of the kids but Katherine were ready for school, but Paul had to insist they attend and now it seems a waste to pull her out, when otherwise she is doing well with the adjustment.
On another note, Kimberly seems to be showing signs of being ready to potty train. Asking for her diaper to be changed all the time and wanting to sit on the potty, doing nothing, but still sitting. I know she has to go, but she holds it until she has that diaper back on and then she finally goes. Maybe when the weather gets warmer and we can all go out in the back and let her wander around naked. That is how all the others did it!
Paul got a lawn mower last weekend. It is old and beat up, but perfect for our weeds! It needs a new battery, so that will be the next purchase. Hopefully it was worth the drive and money to get it.
Well, I need to get breakfast going and get the kids up pretty soon! Have a blessed day!
Family Picture 2008