About this time of year, it seems that drudgery kicks in. We can see the end of the books are near, but everything is "just so hard!" Lauren has picked up a bronchial thing and is coughing constantly and Rebecca is just downright moody! This is how my morning has gone...
mom...What does everyone want for breakfast?
Lauren...eggs and toast (while playing piano in her pj's...which begins the fight...)
Rebecca...Lauren, I told you to stop playing my song. You're only supposed to play your own music!
Kimberly...ma,ma! HAVE sear-e-o (then because I go into the living room to break up the fight, Kimberly pulls a bar stool over to the fridge, opens the door and is climbing into the fridge to get some yogurt, which she calls "ur-ur-t")
Mom, pulls kimberly out of fridge, tells Lauren & Becca to get dressed and then asks again what everyone wants as she is opening the ururt, getting a spoon and trying to get those locks out of her food...
Rebecca...mom! I can't find socks! Why is it so cold in here! Lauren, I told you to stay off my side of the room! Don't put your clothes there! This isn't mine, why is it in my drawer! I'm not cleaning up after Lauren! I don't like sharing a room with Lauren! Why do you make me share a room with her! Yell arbitrary sounds sounding much like prehistoric man, slams door as she announces she isn't eating breakfast!
Mom turns to Lauren (who is half naked running to the laundry room to find clothes)(I don't put their clothes away for them, they are neatly stacked in piles on their respective shelves for them to put away, Lauren didn't do hers yesterday, so it is full), Lauren, I'm sorry what did you say you wanted to eat?
Lauren (now dressed) ...Toast, we haven't had toast in a long time!
Mom... how about some eggs?
with cheese?
Lauren...do I have to?
Mom...yes, you need protein!
Lauren... well, okay, then proceeds to begin a yogurt and an apple for herself.
Mom...Lauren, I thought you wanted eggs and toast?
lauren...I do, but my stomach is hungry right now so I am starting with this...
mom...rolls her eyes and attempts to find a clean pan to make eggs in, clean up ururt from the carpet, wipe down a baby face, put clothes in the dryer, empty part of the dishwasher and then talk to Becca about why she is cranky (sleepovers two nights in a row).......This was all before 9 this morning!
NOW, it is mommy quiet time and two kids are asleep...Kimberly and Becca. Lauren is downstairs writing her expository paragraph and I am taking some time to catch up on "stuff".
I managed to get down to the Parks dept and get Stephen signed up for baseball! He is so excited!
Well, I'd better go check on Lauren. We blew off going to the Y today as it is very windy and cold and I just couldn't imagine going out wet after swimming!
We are a loving, generous Catholic family! We believe that children learn what they live and in that endeavor we are deeply committed to raising healthy, happy God fearing/ loving children. Our Catholic faith is the center of who we are and what we do. Homeschooling allows us the time to be the primary influence in our children's lives. "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers in example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim 4
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sorry, so delinquent!
Okay, life has been crazy this month and I apologize right now for not keeping up with this blog! I gave up anything that takes away from my family for Lent....computer, tv, laziness and food has been limited to the minimal amounts...well, at least for another few weeks!
Katherine and I took a trip to Orlando, Tampa and Tallahassee, FL for a choir trip. We left last week and got home this past Wednesday, at 2:30 in the morning. By the time I crawled into bed, got back up to go find a pillow, not to smother hubby with, but to actually put my head on, it was 3:30. Thank heavens dh got up and got the kids ready for school at 5:30! I didn't even hear them. I woke up to the sound of the shower at 9. Figured out later that it was Katherine :) She was required to be back in school by 10:30 and she didn't seem to have any difficulties with that.
It was a really great trip with a great bunch of kids...this was no football trip! These highschoolers were perfectly happy to sit and sing along with The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Pocohontas, etc. I just sat giggling to myself just how "bad" I was compared to these kids at this age!
We spent an entire day at Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, then the next day at Kennedy Space Center, dinner and then went back to Universal to watch Blue Man Group! What a thrill. The kids attended clinics by four different conductors/composers and also did an exchange "concert" with the Gulf Shores Children's Choir. They reminded me a lot of the Red River Children's Choir, where Katherine sang before we moved.
We picked up the kids' old babysitter and she stayed with us for a week. It was a very exhausting few weeks as the day before we picked M. up, we drove three hours just to look at this van and decide within seconds to buy it. We then had to drive three hours back home, go to bed, drive four hours the next day to pick up M. and then drive back! Paul had to leave the next day or so after all that and I tried desperately to get my house in order to leave M. more free time to just be with the kids. By the end of last week I was exhausted and the 14 hour bus ride didn't help! The choir director at Katherine's school kept us hopping every second. We left the hotel almost every morning by 8 and didn't return until after 10pm! My body clock still is off! Oh, and the cell phone she so desperately wanted is now at the bottom of the lagoon below "The Hulk" roller coaster. She had it for a whole 30 minutes! Luckily At&t let us just purchase a new phone and transfer the info to the new phone, so I was only out $18.75.
All the kids are fine and seemed to do well without me. Paul got home the Saturday after I left and then took M. home on Sunday. He then turned around and left yesterday. At least he has a nice comfy hotel room to himself to sleep in!
I took Megan to Sylvan Thursday for testing. She is really struggling with school and we are hoping they can offer some advise/help as to how we can help her. I really am at my wits end at trying to get her to learn/retain ANYTHING! We are dis enrolling Rebecca from gymnastics as we can't afford the lessons when Megan's tutoring is so much more needed. Rebecca has been a good sport about it as we told her we'd try to get her into a summer camp or something.
Kimberly went to see an orthopaedic specialist on Friday. Her bit of wisdom was that Kimberly has soft joints and hopefully by age 5 she will outgrow it. She showed me very specifically how to pop her "nursemaid's elbow" back into place (our visit to Children's hospital last week ran $627 for a whole 5 minutes and no tests).
Well, I am falling asleep while trying to think of what to catch everyone up on. I'll have to get some new pics on here as I've heard some complaints as to my Christmas photo!
Check out my old/rediscovered fav website: www.hillbillyhousewife.com
Also, search and view the nfp vs. birth control on youtube.com! Cute!
Love and blessings,
Katherine and I took a trip to Orlando, Tampa and Tallahassee, FL for a choir trip. We left last week and got home this past Wednesday, at 2:30 in the morning. By the time I crawled into bed, got back up to go find a pillow, not to smother hubby with, but to actually put my head on, it was 3:30. Thank heavens dh got up and got the kids ready for school at 5:30! I didn't even hear them. I woke up to the sound of the shower at 9. Figured out later that it was Katherine :) She was required to be back in school by 10:30 and she didn't seem to have any difficulties with that.
It was a really great trip with a great bunch of kids...this was no football trip! These highschoolers were perfectly happy to sit and sing along with The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Pocohontas, etc. I just sat giggling to myself just how "bad" I was compared to these kids at this age!
We spent an entire day at Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, then the next day at Kennedy Space Center, dinner and then went back to Universal to watch Blue Man Group! What a thrill. The kids attended clinics by four different conductors/composers and also did an exchange "concert" with the Gulf Shores Children's Choir. They reminded me a lot of the Red River Children's Choir, where Katherine sang before we moved.
We picked up the kids' old babysitter and she stayed with us for a week. It was a very exhausting few weeks as the day before we picked M. up, we drove three hours just to look at this van and decide within seconds to buy it. We then had to drive three hours back home, go to bed, drive four hours the next day to pick up M. and then drive back! Paul had to leave the next day or so after all that and I tried desperately to get my house in order to leave M. more free time to just be with the kids. By the end of last week I was exhausted and the 14 hour bus ride didn't help! The choir director at Katherine's school kept us hopping every second. We left the hotel almost every morning by 8 and didn't return until after 10pm! My body clock still is off! Oh, and the cell phone she so desperately wanted is now at the bottom of the lagoon below "The Hulk" roller coaster. She had it for a whole 30 minutes! Luckily At&t let us just purchase a new phone and transfer the info to the new phone, so I was only out $18.75.
All the kids are fine and seemed to do well without me. Paul got home the Saturday after I left and then took M. home on Sunday. He then turned around and left yesterday. At least he has a nice comfy hotel room to himself to sleep in!
I took Megan to Sylvan Thursday for testing. She is really struggling with school and we are hoping they can offer some advise/help as to how we can help her. I really am at my wits end at trying to get her to learn/retain ANYTHING! We are dis enrolling Rebecca from gymnastics as we can't afford the lessons when Megan's tutoring is so much more needed. Rebecca has been a good sport about it as we told her we'd try to get her into a summer camp or something.
Kimberly went to see an orthopaedic specialist on Friday. Her bit of wisdom was that Kimberly has soft joints and hopefully by age 5 she will outgrow it. She showed me very specifically how to pop her "nursemaid's elbow" back into place (our visit to Children's hospital last week ran $627 for a whole 5 minutes and no tests).
Well, I am falling asleep while trying to think of what to catch everyone up on. I'll have to get some new pics on here as I've heard some complaints as to my Christmas photo!
Check out my old/rediscovered fav website: www.hillbillyhousewife.com
Also, search and view the nfp vs. birth control on youtube.com! Cute!
Love and blessings,
Monday, February 4, 2008
February already!
I can't believe it is already February! I meant to download some pictures of the kids' recital, but my lovingly absentminded dh forgot the camera in the car....and since I was in the foyer with a loud Kimberly (dh didn't give her a nap while I was out grocery shopping). I didn't get to see much, but was thrilled that the piano teacher had the music piped in from the sanctuary to the foyer!
They all played wonderfully, with just a few boo-boos! I think it was the intimidation factor. Stephen and Lauren had both never played in front of an audience before AND it wasn't a piano, but a keyboard, so the kids weren't used to that. Paul's step mom, dad and sister all came! I was so happy that they made the effort and it meant so much to the kids!
That was last week and it has just been a roller coaster of a week!
I tried to turn our garage into a drive thru! I accidentally hit the gas instead of the break coming into the garage on Friday. Let's just say, the Honda Odyssey is perfectly designed for front end collisions...not a scratch! However, when I backed into a street lamp two years ago, the rear side crumpled like a soda can!
The garage outer wall, however will all have to be rebricked and the sheetrock and three 2x4s will have to be replaced! Just when we were starting to get ahead of the debt situation!
We are also supposed to pick up our "new" van this weekend! Everyone is so excited. Our van scout picks it up on the 5th in Dallas, then we have to call the bank and give them the VIN number, etc. and then they will issue the check. Paul comes home Saturday morning and we will drive over and pick it up over in Memphis. This van scout is who the whole home school group uses to get vans. He always gets a good deal. We are getting a 2007 Chevy Express for just $17,500 (not white)! He had a friend of his, who is a dealer, pick it up at auction for him. Anyway, will post a pic as soon as I get one.
I hear kids waking up, so I'd better scoot! It is going to be a warm one today...76! But then tomorrow is supposed to be 46...big shift! Gotta go and turn off the heat...
Love and blessings!
They all played wonderfully, with just a few boo-boos! I think it was the intimidation factor. Stephen and Lauren had both never played in front of an audience before AND it wasn't a piano, but a keyboard, so the kids weren't used to that. Paul's step mom, dad and sister all came! I was so happy that they made the effort and it meant so much to the kids!
That was last week and it has just been a roller coaster of a week!
I tried to turn our garage into a drive thru! I accidentally hit the gas instead of the break coming into the garage on Friday. Let's just say, the Honda Odyssey is perfectly designed for front end collisions...not a scratch! However, when I backed into a street lamp two years ago, the rear side crumpled like a soda can!
The garage outer wall, however will all have to be rebricked and the sheetrock and three 2x4s will have to be replaced! Just when we were starting to get ahead of the debt situation!
We are also supposed to pick up our "new" van this weekend! Everyone is so excited. Our van scout picks it up on the 5th in Dallas, then we have to call the bank and give them the VIN number, etc. and then they will issue the check. Paul comes home Saturday morning and we will drive over and pick it up over in Memphis. This van scout is who the whole home school group uses to get vans. He always gets a good deal. We are getting a 2007 Chevy Express for just $17,500 (not white)! He had a friend of his, who is a dealer, pick it up at auction for him. Anyway, will post a pic as soon as I get one.
I hear kids waking up, so I'd better scoot! It is going to be a warm one today...76! But then tomorrow is supposed to be 46...big shift! Gotta go and turn off the heat...
Love and blessings!
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